Gray & Mustard

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I fell like all I can do for the foreseeable future is just move from one place to another, continuing through my day until I start it all over again. Doesn't that qualify as being a zombie? To completely wrap my head around everything that will be happening this week, the  next several weeks and months is too much to deal with all together. So, one day at a time. Plan ahead when I need to and don't stretch myself too thin. Oh, yeah. And it's okay to say no.

Speaking of zombies - The Walking Dead on AMC. My husband freaking loves the show. I'd rather watch Nascar than anything having to do with zombies, sci-fi, etc. We generally have the same tastes for just about everything - in the broad sense. But it's so interesting as years go by to see where we differ on the fringe of certain things. I admit, I don't have enough energy in this period of my life to keep up with anything music. I have my standard all pop, top 40 radio stations on in the car and set my Pandora at work (Currently on Pitbull. Don't judge, I have a thing for his voice). I like all sorts of music (minus country, kill-me metal, some indie). But when the hubs has been driving my car, I get in and it's on Rock 105 blasting. Ughhhhh. How can he listen to that? Same thing with movies. For TV, we're generally on the same page. But let's just say that I've been strategically hiding the Syfy channel. Italians have terrible television. And I do mean terrible. So, there's pretty much always something to keep him entertained on the TV here in the States. We enjoy watching the Food Network, Travel Channel and TLC (a man after my own heart). And then he drops a bomb on me that he just loves The Walking Dead and movies that come on TV sometimes like Hellboy. Yes, Hellboy. Yikes.

But at the end of the day, I truly believe a study that I once read that says this: While the theory of opposites attract may make for a hot and heavy romance short term, alikeness is actually the perfect start for the long term. Luckily, I interpret this as alikeness on the big stuff - on your foundation. Anything that gets piled on after that doesn't matter. It's what keeps things interesting. And you can take comfort in the fact that while it may be annoying, it's not destroying. Oh, wow. That's going to be patented one day. Ask yourself - is it annoying or is it destroying? I can see it now...

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