Gray & Mustard

Thursday, February 10, 2011


So, I know I'm not alone in this, but have you ever found something hilariously funny that everyone else was like, "Oh, haha, yeah, I guess that's funny"? Well, I feel that way probably more than I should. Take the commercial posted below for example. That thing cracks me up every single time.
I mean come on! It's a singing bunny!!! Don't get me wrong. I know it's stupid. I'm not totally blind to that, but I also know that I think it's really, really funny. I actually think that its obscurity is what I like the best about it. I only ever saw this commercial when I was in school in Italy back in '03-'04. But it has stayed with me ever since. What can I say? I just love it.

Other things that I find hilarious, which, come to think of it, a lot of other people probably do too. The scene from 40-Year Old Virgin where he's speed dating. He comes across a husky-voiced woman whose name tag reads Gina. Well, she says, "Actually it's pronounced 'Gina", you know, as in an abbreviated form of a certain part of a woman's anatomy. Once again, it gets me every time. And yes, I'm sitting here writing, laughing about that scene all by myself. Fo' real. Oh, and Bon Qui Qui. I love her too. Check this out.
So, yeah, it's the remix. For some inconceivable reason the original won't come up to load. But it does show the best of the best.
This whole post must seem like such a cop out, but after the day I've had I just wanted to laugh and hopefully make you laugh too.

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