Gray & Mustard

Saturday, February 5, 2011


So, I just this very second determined that I need one of those Flip video cameras.

It literally just hit me. Now judging by the fact that I rarely will even take a picture (even at big or fun events), one might say that an investment in any type of video recording device would be a complete waste of money. Well, like I said, I've just decided that it would be a good investment. Follow me on this...

I'm seeing a second blog. A food blog. I'm seeing all things Italian and some homemade videos of my very talented husband cooking and teaching the masses of the culinary illiterate how to create amazingly simple, but authentic Italian cuisine. Yes, that's what I see and I think it could be beautiful.

Being married to an Italian, I do secretly consider myself to be Italian sometimes. Don't tell. It's kind of embarassing. But it's also the truth. I mean I have lived there and can speak the language fluently but I also have my wonderful (and actual) Americanness to fall back on. It's kind of a fun 'acting' juggling act. And yes, admittedly, it's all about convenience. Having said all that, I have gained a deep passion and appreciation for some really good food. While at my parents' house today, I came across a magazine that my dad ordered from two poor traveling salesman (or something like that). It's called 'La Cucina Italiana' and it actually made me drool while thumbing through it.
Prosciutto di Parma, Grana Padano, beautiful olives of all colors and sizes.

Yeah, those things in and of themselves are enough to make any sane person become a complete Italian food addict. The plate depicted above is the classic antipasto italiano. It basically encompasses most everything that is sacred and holy in the realm of Italian food. It is a glorious thing to be hold. Prosciutto and other 'affettati' (sliced meats) in Italy can be offputting, especially for the unadventurous of palate. I was totally one of them the first bout I spent in Italy. I hardly had any prosciutto crudo (which is literally 'raw' or 'crude' hame) the first time I was there. I'm sorry, but when you're talking about meat and raw in the same product, I'm not chancing my health. Oh, how completely asinine I was! Prosciutto, speck, mortadella and a whole slew of other fascinating cured meats were introduced to me when I finally went to Italy to eat with an open mind. Olives. That's another thing that I wasn't too wild about at first. I know, right? Olives! How can you go to Italy and claim to love Italian food withoug being able to appreciate the succulent gorgeousness of a perfectly marinated olive. It is, in fact, beyond even myself why I wasn't too fond of these for too long.

Enough food talk. I'm thinking it's time for some food action. What do you all think about a second foodie paradise blog with instructional video? Buon appetito!!!


  1. hey! this is v-toria nied from sya... just wanted to tell you that i've been reading your blog for a while always link to it on fb... and i'm loving it! I always look forward to the next installment of the un fabulous life...well i totally second the idea of your food blog. you will have one reader here. keep up the good work!

  2. great idea!

    for obvious reasons, my goal is to purchase a video camera this year too!

  3. That sounds like a really cool and clever idea! DO IT!
