Gray & Mustard

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Ever heard someone say, "I just feel into this career"? Well, I'm beginning to understand exactly what that means. Construction and home energy efficiency is quite possibly the last thing I would have ever thought I would be learning about. But here I am anyway! Is this what I would consider my passion? No, not really. But I'm enjoying it and am kind of excited about learning something new. The way I figure it, I'm just along for the ride. God has a plan for me and in some way, this all works into the bigger, brighter plan. We'll see where this takes me and in the meantime, this is all making me feel, well... old. I'm sure it's the plague that I have combined with all the craziness this week has brought, but at 23 I feel officially old.

Enough about self-pity, self-searching, etc. What about Lindsay Lohan? Here's the tie-in. I think she's starting to look old and a little rough. I've never been a fan because I've always thought that she brings a bad name to redheads (which I am, by the way) and anything that brings a bad name to redheads is not okay with me. I've always thought she was a pretty terrible actress, too. I adore Mean Girls, but I just don't think she's that great. But now we've got yet another classic, American family drama unfolding before our eyes again. It looks like you have your fame-seeking dad, your crazy mother and a little dog somewhere in the mix? That's what I've gathered from Glee anyway. I do feel bad for her considering she's been in the business since she was young. But there comes a time for everyone when you have to reject the things that you believe may have made you who you are today and start taking responsibility for you. Yes, your past does dictate who you are in the present - to a point. But in becoming older and more informed, you usually begin to learn that certain things aren't okay, all on your own. Stealing for one. Not good! I think that anyone in their twenties knows this. What's worse is that she has enough money to buy herself just about anything! Logic. Not present. Oh well!

I'm sorry if posts will be few and far between. But, see my first paragraph. I've missed writing and getting my mind off things every day. I'll do my best to keep writing often.

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