Gray & Mustard

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Medium

My biggest problem in life is that of striking the balance between being a pushover and being assertive (which in my mind is equated with being a bia---). This was witnessed perfectly by what just happened when I walked in the door from work - yes, at 7:20. My husband called me at work at around 6:00 and asked what I would like for dinner. I ended the decision-making process by saying pasta, something with pasta. And my ever-accommodating husband was at the very beginning stages of preparing what I'm sure would have been an incredible pasta dinner. Now, what I must tell you about my very talented husband is that when a simple, last-minute dish will do, he usually tends to end up going all out. Here begins the extreme internal struggle that almost reduced me to tears, as usual. After a very long day at work, do I keep my mouth shut, knowing that I won't be eating until well after 9:00? Or do I say something and sound like a completely ungrateful wife? Well, as usual, I went for my old classic. A whiney medium of a little bit of both. So, I threw the rock (stating that we won't be eating until after 9:00) and then withdrew my hand (but it's alright, just do what you need to do). But then I came back to the kitchen and said, almost in tears, that I just really didn't want to eat at 9:00. And now I feel terrible. What's a girl to do?

Oh well. For now I'm just going to eat the dinner that he did prepare and enjoy the Justin Beiber Glee episode. 

P.S. - Hubs, I love you and appreciate your elaborate thought!

1 comment:

  1. Glad I'm not the only one who struggles with that balance. Sounds like it turned out alright and I bet the pasta and the Glee episode were great :)
