Gray & Mustard

Monday, February 14, 2011

Grammar, people. Grammar.

I realize that in a day and age where most communication takes place in formats where you have a set limit of characters in which to express yourself that certain adjustments must be made. Text messaging, twitter. I get it. But that's no excuse for completely ignoring grammatical rules when you do have the space to write properly. Facebook comes to mind. Mistakes happen. And I'm not blind to the fact that I have surely let some slip in my blog posts. Especially when I'm blogging with a glass of wine - like now. I've been tempted to set this as my status before but have refrained because I don't want anyone to get mad. Well, this ain't Facebook, so here's what's what:

You're = you are
Your = 'you' possessive

They're = they are
There = refers to location
Their = 'they' possessive

Congratulations - not congradulations

Also, when referring to something that's yours and mine - you can't say So-and-so and I's whatever. You just can't. The proper construction should be this - So-and-so's and my. 

I don't pretend to speak properly all the time or even to write as I should all the time, but these are some basic rules. End of lesson.

So, I'm stressed. My job is stressing me and I had to go in for three hours yesterday - yes, on a Sunday. What is my life coming to? Growing up, I would always look at all the crazy 8-5 Monday-Friday working people and think how crazy they were and that I'd never end up like that. Well, here I am. But, you know what? (And this is part of my whole un-fabulous life mentality) It is all good. For a while now, all I've wanted is stability. Not that anyone on the outside would have ever seen my life as unstable. But, I wanted stability - a home, a regular job, etc. And now I've got it. I'm stressed a bit because of it, but I really can't complain too much. If I didn't care, I wouldn't be stressed. And if I didn't stress, I wouldn't be striving to make things better. Yes, the un-fabulous life is alright with me.

1 comment:

  1. Love your grammar comments. We're on the same page. Love your Blog in general!
