Gray & Mustard

Monday, January 31, 2011

G'day, mate!

So, my husband got a new job today. One day, not even a full 24 hours of being unemployed and the man has another job! Fantastic! Why couldn't everything be this easy???

Today is one of those days when everything you've been anticipating so anxiously culminates and although you thought you knew exactly how you'd feel and react, you really had no idea. I've never had a moment turn from everyone saying "Everything will be okay," (and wanting to punch them in the face for saying so) to everything actually being okay so fast. Which, of course, is why I'm proceeding carefully. The whole "too good to be true" mentality. If it looks too good to be true, smells too good to be true, then it probably is too good to be true. But I welcome being proven wrong here, I really do. Everything seems so up in the air. While I was so sure what my reaction would be regardless of what the solution was, I'm now second-guessing myself. I've done that before and now here I am a few months later, exactly where I was. Maybe this time I should just stick with my original decision. Stick to my guns!!!

Regardless of what it is I'm talking about (I know you don't really know because I'm so incredibly vague), all I ask is that my integrity not be questioned and that I not be made to feel like something is my fault when I know it is not. Is that too much to ask??? I think not.

My promise to you today is that I will not talk about this stuff anymore. Enough beating around the bush. Let's talk about something real. Like the fact that whoever decided that the average working person should work from Monday-Friday from 8(9)-5 ought to be hurt. Did it ever occur to anyone that if most all business are open during those hours and the typical working person works during those hours that it's not exactly conducive to productivity? I really think I would prefer to have my Sunday and have another weekday off. You would avoid having to take time off for things as simple as going to the doctor or having maintenance performed on your car. Wouldn't that be nice? A girl can only dream. Actually, and I realize I may have a lot of angry women on my heels by saying this, I'd be fine with staying home now. Down with feminism! Take care of me!

Ooops, did I just say what most women are thinking but too stubborn to say? Maybe....

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