Gray & Mustard

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Technologically Challenged

Sometimes I feel so dumb - really, really dumb. (Run and tell that ---- homeboy). I know how to use a computer and do most things on one. I also can use a cell phone and send a text message. But I don't have a Twitter, I don't have a smart phone or a data plan. I didn't even really know how to use this blog to its full potential until now, as witnessed by the changes I've made (am about to make). I am a young woman in the modern world. I have cable, wireless internet and an iPod, albeit an old one. But sometimes I still feel so inadequate, like I'll never be able to catch up with most of you technologically advanced people.
Yet, at the same time I'm not sure I want to. I get overwhelmed enough as it is, checking blog stats and comments and a facebook account. Or fielding text messages as I check my inbox at work. Not that I ever do that. Never. So unprofessional. I can't imagine having emails actually come to my cell phone and being able to access the internet. Mind-boggling. I really think it would just stress me out too much. I am trying and toying with the idea of a smart phone, but those data plans. Yeesh! For now I will humor myself (and you) in pretending that my little blog is enough!

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