Gray & Mustard

Sunday, January 9, 2011


So, it's 9:00 and I haven't seen a flake of this so-called snow they're predicting. All I'm saying is that everytime they predict the crap out of winter weather like this, it never ends up being as bad as they think it is and vice versa. I love snow just about more than anything. But I really love it when I can be all warm and cozy in my house while there's a winter wonderland going on outside. And when someone gives me some false hope, it tends to kind of put a damper on my whole mood for the day. I'm not a happy camper.
Also, I find it to be very distracting while I'm trying to be glued to Desperate Housewives as usual on a Sunday evening, to have those closings and delays going every which way on the bottom of the screen. I especially find it maddening when my place of employment is not on there...

Earlier when I was awaiting the start of Desperate Housewives, they interrupted the end of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition to go live in Detroit to unveil VW's big new secret car that they will be producing here at the plant in Chattanooga. I love unveilings. I get that thrill of thinking that I'm about to be in on some big secret. So, they build up as much suspense as you can on a local news channel, only to reveal that this super top secret new car that Volkswagen will be producing is the.... Passat. Okay, I love Volkswagen cars and the Volkswagen brand, so I figured I'd take one for the team and wait it out (even if it meant missing the first few moments of Desperate Housewives), but the Passat?! First of all, that is a car you already make, so technically, not new. Second, although pretty, I didn't think the body style was all that and a bag of potato chips. It better have some really fancy bells and whistles going on inside.

In conclusion, I really do hope it snows and I'm just jealous because I don't have a new car. Good night!

1 comment:

  1. I'm waiting on it too! I didn't go to my young adult group tonight because I was paranoid it would start snowing at 6 like the internet said it would. The city just needs to shut down so we can all have a nice day at home and not die.

    And the Passat was lame, I agree
