Gray & Mustard

Monday, January 10, 2011

Reverse Psychology

Clearly my reverse psychology approach worked on the weather. I will be accepting thanks for your extra day off work in the form of comments and following my blog. You are welcome!

In all seriousness, the snow is beautiful. Having grown up on a mountain that would consistently have snow during the winter when the valley areas did not, I was so worried when we moved off the mountain in June that I would never see snow again. Well, here it is, the second week in January and since December we have seen substantial snow three times! God really does love me. Our streets are still completely covered. It's so funny that when I don't really have a choice of being home (i.e., when I have to go to work five days a week), I want nothing more than to be home and when I do get an extra day at home like today, I kind of want to go somewhere, which isn't an option. We live in a subdivision that is pretty much all uphill. And while I did park my car on the street since my driveway is also uphill, I am fairly certain that I would end up just sliding all the way down out of the neighborhood, should I attempt to go anywhere. So, I'm just going to get over the desire to get out and sit back, relax and love on my puppies and husband. I think I may even paint my nails later on and watch a movie with popcorn. I love having a day ahead of me when I can do whatever I want... The rest of you enjoy yours!

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