Gray & Mustard

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Real World

So, today was the first day back to the harsh reality of working 40 hours a week, 8a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. When you think about it, you spend more time getting to work, being at work and getting home from work (well, and bitching about work) than you spend with your family. Whoever decided that that should be the case in most of the world, should be severely punished. I mean, you get placed in a, more than likely, dingy, windowless space with strangers that you would probably never socialize with outside of work and you're stuck there for 8 or 9 hours a day!
PS - Colleagues, if you actually read this, I'm not talking about you guys. I actually like you!!! Promise!

First day back actually went well. My realization today is that things might not be so terrible at work for the rest of my life. Was the week before Christmas a living hell? Yes. But my knee-jerk reaction was also to act like an impetuous child, which, let's face it, is just not flattering. But I successfully took a brisk walk on my lunch break, was uber-productive at the job, came home and worked out with the hubs, took a shower and I am now waiting for dinner to come out of the oven. Not bad for a Monday! We'll see how long that lasts...

On another note, I finally put down some legit words that actually made sense for our business plan. My husband, besides being ridiculously handsome and authentically Italian (immigrated Nov. 2009), is also a very gifted chef. No formal training or anything, but a whole lot of know-how. The man can cook! Our dream is to have a restaurant of our very own one day. But for now as a stepping stone, our hope is to open up a little take-out place, full of lasagna and delicious baked pastas. While we talk and dream about it all the time, we haven't actually done a lot to work towards it. So, another piece of my discipline in 2011 is to actually get our plans on paper and make something happen with it! Keep your fingers crossed and start fasting now. A whole lot of authentic Italian is coming your way...

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