Gray & Mustard

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Save Our American Raptors

Happy snow day again! While I was ecstatic last night, I just about went crazy today being cooped up in the house. We did venture out briefly to satisfy a craving for some Zaxby's (slight lapse in judgement due to lack of routine since Friday). The roads were questionable, especially considering that the temperature is supposed to drop drastically and everything that melted today will in all likelihood re-freeze. I have to be at work by 10 tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. Oh, and when I went to start my car and the battery was beyond dead. So, if the ice doesn't get me, the battery might. It's all charged up now, hopefully it will last overnight.

So, back to my title. While I was being distracted by all the closings and delays while watching What Not to Wear, I saw Save Our American Raptors has been delayed. I have no idea what that is all about, but I thought I should share it with you because you might enjoy it. So, enjoy.

I am looking forward to getting back to my routine tomorrow. I had the foresight to fill my gas tank and go to the grocery store on Saturday and Sunday, but I didn't get that much stuff so hopefully by the time I go tomorrow, they will have replenished their supplies. I understand that we live in an area of the country that doesn't get much snow, but really? Let's not act like a bunch of dumbunnies. There may be conflicting feelings on the subject of driving, but this is my opinion. Being cautious on the road should be a happy medium - not too slow, not too fast. Too slow, you really won't get anywhere (especially uphill) and you'll just piss people off. Too fast and you're just playing with fire, especially if you're following too close. I beg you to follow me too close and crunch up the back of my car when I have to stop and you slide into me. Well, not really, please don't! But, I'm just saying...
That brings me to the grocery store. Guys, really? How is it possible that almost everyone you talk to who has gone near a grocery store will tell you that the shelves are practically empty? I realize that we live in a fast food society so the thought of not having access to that "luxury" gets people kind of panicked, but get in, get your essentials (your normal amount for a couple of days, not for the duration of the winter!) and go on! Sheesh!!!

Okay, I think I'm done for the night and climbing down off my soapbox and back onto the couch. Enjoy the rest of the snow and be extra careful tomorrow and tonight. Don't mess with the ice!

1 comment:

  1. be careful this morning!
    And yes, don't people know if hey stock up on eggs, they will just go bad???
