Gray & Mustard

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Potato Peeler in the Pocket

My husband took a chunk out of his pinky today. He did this by sticking his hands in his pocket, and unfortunately for his left hand, he found a potato peeler. Now, that's dedication. Nerds wear a pocket protector, jocks carry their balls around, prissy girls carry their hairbrush, and my husband the chef carries a potato peeler in his pocket. And I absolutely love him for it. I have never in my life encountered a more dedicated, loyal human being than him. Although he sometimes worries that the qualities I love most about him (trusting, good-spirited) will one day get him into trouble, I know that they will one day bring him great success doing what he loves.

Terrible, practically non-existent segue into this evening's next topic...
Have you seen those crackheads from that radical church? You know, the ones who so infamously protest at our soldiers' funerals? Well, their latest victims are the already-victims of the horrendous crime in Arizona this past weekend. ***Now, please do not misunderstand what I am about to say. *** While I in no way, shape or form agree with what they do or why they do it, I can understand when they protest at soldiers' funerals. I understand (while not agreeing at all) where the logic might come from. People have protested wars since the beginning of time. You don't agree with the war, or any war for that matter, that's your business. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Protesting at the funeral of someone who already sacrificed their life so that you can be entitled and even express your absurd opinion publicly is despicable. But I get the protesting of the war. Do you get what I'm saying? Do you hate me? Please don't. But right now, I have struggled all day trying to wrap my head around these same radicals protesting at the funerals of the innocent people who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. What's worse is that these people use the name of God to justify their maniacal rantings. I take offense, I take deep, deep offense. How do you fight an evil like them? I just don't know...

On another note (to lighten the mood a little!), I'm pretty sure I'm going to see Lady Gaga in April and I'm psyched...

1 comment:

  1. From what I've read of these people (the crackheads from that radical church), their justification for protesting at soldiers' funerals is that they believe their death is God's way of punishing our country for our sin. They site us allowing homosexuals in the military as angering God, thus soldiers dying. (Logical, I know...). They then protest at the funerals of the innocent Tuscon victims because they, again, believe these people died as a result of God punishing our country for our sin. I want to slap the crazy out of them. Its deplorable. Our God is not an angry, vengeful God. At least not the one I know and love...
