Gray & Mustard

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I am a completely lazy-natured person. If I have the choice of being productive or being a couch potato, I'm going for the couch. I realize that this is not always a bad thing. However, this time should come only after I get done everything I need to get done in the day. And that is where I am now. No, like, right this minute. On the couch in my pajamas watching one of my new favorite shows, My Strange Addiction. God bless TLC. But, for me, this is kind of a big deal.

See, my usual daily routine up until just recently was this: get up, go to work, suffer through work, come home, get on the couch, round something up for dinner, get back on the couch, and go to bed. Lovely day, no? NOT. That day was a terrible day, but it was my life. I hated that work was the biggest event of my day. I enjoy my job, but I don't want my job to be my whole life. So, I am changing things up.

Today, yes, get up, go to work, work was alright, go to grocery store, work out with the hubs at home, shower, make a homemade dinner (delicious by the way), and laundry. Now, that's more like it. At the risk of sounding like a big, fat dork, I feel like superwoman. Feeling like I'm on top of things is so much better than feeling like I'm not. Yeah, I'm sticking with it...

1 comment:

  1. I am the EXACT same way! I notice when I am busier with a multitude of things-not just work-I feel better physically and mentally. Lately I've been trying to save my chores for after work so I can get a small burst of energy when I get home so I won't just plop on the couch and watch Netflix all night.

    I bet you can do it-just stick with it! =]
