Gray & Mustard

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shut the front door!!!

Do you ever find yourself having to deal with someone who just won't shut up?! That's my life five days a week (also, in case you're wondering, I'm not talking about any of my co-workers). This creates some problems really in several ways. First, I have to find a way to not have my mind wander too much just in case this person is saying something that involves some form of participation on my part. It's hard, really hard. I have sudden urges (when I'm consciously thinking about what he's saying) to scream "I have no idea what you're talking about, nor do I care!". But I can't do that because I'm a professional. Most of the time.

I'm also sick of all the gossip surrounding our department and line of work. Besides my office friends, we contract with a bunch of men, although they're more like women than you'd think. I swear they must just sit around and chit-chat all the time, giving each other manicures and brushing each other's hair. Just when the air from one rumor begins to clear, another one sweeps right in. Unbelievable. I thought that men were all about facing problems head on. If you've got something to say about me then say it to my face! But apparently, that's not the case. Well, you know what I say? Grow a couple.

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