Gray & Mustard

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Leggings are not pants

Just in case any of you were wondering, leggings are not pants. Do I wear leggings? Yes, I do. Do I wear them with tunics or other dress-like shirts? Yes. But, no matter how you slice it, leggings are still not pants. Yes, they're cute, comfy and convenient, but they're made to be worn with other garments that cover your cheeks and (as was so delicately coined on a "Say Yes to the Dress" episode I watched this weekend) your butterfly. Some people seem to have failed to notice that these leggings are made of stretchy, thin cotton - hence the non-pantsness. This makes them comfortable and easy to wear, which is totally great! But, there is also quite the drawback to thin cotton. This:

This actress has just willingly showed off her rear in all its glory. Don't get me wrong, it's still much, much better than mine, but I'm sure she would never want her backside to be shown like this! I believe it's safe to say that if you can make out actual skin through the fabric of your "pants" that they're not really pants.

Another thing that really bothers me, not because it's happened that recently, but it's really an ongoing problem. Whenever anything of consequence happens in the area of the country where I live, the news channels seem incapable of finding anyone who is a) not a complete redneck, b) capable of formulating a coherent sentence or c) actually knows what's going on. If this were only on the local news, fine, so be it. We all know how we are, but it's when it's on the national news that it really gets me. I promise there are a whole bunch of people living in the Southeast of the United States of America that are eloquent and intelligent.

The movie Arthur comes out next week and I have to say, I am really excited about seeing it. It looks pretty hysterical and come on, who doesn't love Russell Brand?

I want to write because I do love writing my blog, but if you can't tell, my thoughts are random and scarcely pieced together at best. But, good news, tomorrow my big deadline will be met, a day ahead of schedule and I'm planning on some good times. I might actually pull out the video camera I bought more than a month ago. That's right, you might be in for the treat of an original Un-fabulous Life video this weekend. Get ready world.

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