Gray & Mustard

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Patriot

I would consider myself to be a very patriotic person. I love America and yes, I take some offense when Americans take all the freedom we are afforded for granted and complain about wanting to move to a foreign country. If you want to go move to a foreign country, fine. But don't do it with the mindset that everything outside the U.S. is roses. We've got it pretty darn good and we don't even realize it most of the time. All that said, I have come to see this year (since it's the first that I've ever owed taxes instead of getting a nice refund) that even the strongest of patriots can be reduced to complaining and whining when it comes to tax time. I know that our tax money is needed to fund some really good programs for ourselves and for others. I know that taxes are a 'necessary evil'. But, I would rather still have my savings intact after filing taxes than completely cleaned out. Not having any savings makes me nervous.

Well, here we are. The last week of March, my big deadline for work is coming to an end. Thursday is D-Day. Granted, after Thursday I just have to start worrying about a whole new group of problems, but at least the looming deadline will no longer be hanging over my head. The stress has been a lot to deal with, but I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm hoping it looks like a really nice bonus and a raise. A girl can dream, right? I'll be sure to let you know if I'll actually feel any pressure off or if the new pressures will just take right over. I'm guessing the latter.

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