Gray & Mustard

Monday, April 4, 2011

Violent Torpedo of Truth

Our biggest catering job yet went off without a hitch today! Considering that we've never cooked for 80 people before and this one seemed easier, I'd say that have learned from our past mistakes. I love realizing that I've witnessed growth. It's good for the soul.

I, personally, am sick of hearing about Charlie Sheen, but why not? I'm going to talk about him now too. First, why on earth does he get to go on "tour"? To do what? Spout off craziness like it's going out of style? Apparently, the answer is yes. King of the warlocks, tiger blood? WINNING! Or losing. The thing that really kills me though is that people actually bought tickets and thought it would be entertaining. And I find it hysterical now that people walked out and were whining about how terrible it was. Really? You're surprised that it sucked. Not too bright are you? I mean, come on! It's called Violent Torpedo of Truth Defeat is not an Option
I really find it sad that our culture is such that people with addiction gain notoriety because of their senseless ramblings. And it's a shame that his show got cancelled. Two and a Half Men was funny! I guess the pressures of being famous push people who have the world on a silver platter to act stupidly and ruin the good things they have going for them.

Have you seen the story about a pig's foot being sent to Representative Peter King in Washington? Who does that?! People are just crazy. The accompanying note was laid with anti-Semitic phrases. King is chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and has recently been involved in hearings regarding Muslim radicalization in America. You know what I say? Can we please just leave the religion out of it? It's not a good idea for anyone and it makes us all seem like and turn into a bunch of lunatics. If you don't like a country, then don't like the country. If you don't like a group of people, then don't like a group of people. Don't use God to justify your craziness. And please don't misunderstand. I am not talking about Muslims. I am not talking about Jews, Christians or otherwise. And I'm not talking about any particular nationality, either. I'm talking about all of us. Every religion has a violent act, whether throughout history or recently, attached to its name. If you want to be a crazy, do it on your own account, but don't muddy a religion's name to make yourself feel better about it.

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