Gray & Mustard

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Property Virgins

As much as I hate to admit it, I love me some HGTV. I get on little kicks where I watch it all the time, then I'll go weeks without watching at all. Where I'm going with this requires a bit of a disclaimer: I am not a parent. I have made that clear. However, I am a homeowner who one day would like to have children. These people kill me on some of these shows. House Hunters. There's a couple with a young child (less than two). They don't want any stairs because of safety for their baby daughter. They actually walked away from a house they loved because it had some stairs. News flash, people.  Your daughter will one day (very soon, actually) be bigger and have better coordination and it will no longer be any more dangerous to go up and down stairs than it is for you and me. I also witnessed a show that followed a very picky first-time home buyer. She countered and countered back and forth with the owner over their refrigerator. Yes, the refrigerator. Was it super special or industrial grade? Not even close. Just a regular side-by-side stainless steel. She quibbled over approximately $1000 and lost the house. What a waste. I also can't fathom all the people who harp on existing paint colors in the house. Paint is the cheapest and easiest thing to fix in a house! It is the last thing to allow to be a deal breaker! It is true that your home is probably the biggest and most important investment you will make in your lifetime. It should be a place that you love, but let's be real. Most of us will never be able to build our dream house, so compromises must be made. You have to look past some of the things you may not like and look at the potential that exists.

Polka dot house

Luckily, I'm pretty good at seeing past ugly carpet and ugly paint. Actually, it's one of my favorite things to do. I am a before/after junkie - for just about anything. I love watching The Princess Diaries, not because the acting is that spectacular or the storyline so great, but I can't resist the part where Anne Hathaway gets made over from a Sesame Street wooly monster into a chic, sleek young lady. I love What Not to Wear, I love Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I love seeing the possibilities in things and people. Not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Rather than focusing on my outer potential, I think I'd be best served working on my inside possibilities for the time being. I think I may need some work.

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