Gray & Mustard

Friday, April 8, 2011

Radical Religion

Arthur was hysterical. Highly recommend it. I like it because it keeps things light and doesn't waste too much time on developing the stuff you're not really interested in anyway! This obviously leaves more time for the more important stuff - hilarity.

I am currently, willfully yanking myself out of my laughing high by watching 20/20. They are profiling the Independent Fundamental Baptists (IFB). I think I may vomit. Promoting spanking of two week old babies for crying too much? Condemning women for "letting themselves go" after they catch a man? And they claim to be using the Bible to justify all of this?! Unbelievable. I know that I am not as up on my Scripture  as I should be; however, I can say with 100% certainty that those teachings are not from the Bible and the God that I know. Oh, let's not forget, they molest their children, rape underage girls and generally have their way with girls however they like. Nothing of that nature should ever have the name of God put on it. It makes me so ashamed and outraged - people who use the name of God to justify their crazy, just wrong, antics. Want to be a man? Step up and out from behind what you believe to be your "shield" of religion and be your true self - a pervert, sex offender, rapist, etc. The list could go on and on. However you slice it, it's sick, wrong, immoral and maddening. My only comfort is that these people will one day have to answer to someone infinitely higher than me and ultimate judgement will be passed. The same goes for those who abuse animals and people, just in case you were wondering where I stood on those, too.

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