Gray & Mustard

Thursday, April 7, 2011

So Fresh and So Clean Clean

Well, I hope you all are enjoying the new look of The Un-fabulous Life. I had a lot of fun playing around with it. It's Thursday evening. So close to Friday and the weekend. And yes, I so so so excited. I'm also contemplating using the remainder of my work bonus on some sprucing up of myself. I need me some new clothes. Destination? Forever 21. It will be my first experience in our newly opened local store. I'm looking forward to it.

Speaking of fresh and clean. I'm currently watching an old episode of Dr. Phil. It's titled "Hobo Dad". I saw that title on the menu and it immediately drew me in. I don't typically mind Dr. Phil. The guy's pretty smart and I like him. Have you ever noticed how all the people are made up nicely and dressed well? That's all due to their staff and it's nice to do that for regular people like you and me who then have to be seen on TV. But on this particular episode, they have caught up with a "runaway" dad who hasn't seen his daughter in 17 years. He ran to avoid paying child support and apparently lives in a raft and goes up and down the Mississippi. A regular Huck Finn. Now while the ex and the daughter and everyone else on the show look beyond presentable, they have left Mr. Hobo in his overalls (with only one shoulder done). Really, guys? Let's be real. I'm sure you did that for effect, but it just looks weird and wrong. Give the guy a fighting chance at least!

Well, I promised I'd show you where our home purchases ended up, so here they are! Some of them are hard to get perspective on and I've also come to grips with the fact that I just can't take pictures. But enjoy.

See our "Trattoria" art in the basement
Salt & Pepper in the dining room

Fork & Spoon in the dining room

Pepper detail in the dining room

One side of back deck with lantern

Lantern on the other side

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