Gray & Mustard

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hiatus... And Volunteer Giveaway!

Wow! I did not expect a two week hiatus to come out of my vacation time, but it did! I missed you! Did you miss me? I hope you did because otherwise, why am I writing?

Let me catch you up...
Lady Gaga was fantastic, of course. Even more 'fabulous' was the opening band Semi-Precious Weapons. Yes, he pranced around the stage wearing a blazer, silk tank, high-heeled ankle boots and only pantyhose. No, don't worry, nothing inappropriate was seen... I think. Uplifting lyrics and wholesome performance, absolutely not. Completely outrageous and entertaining, yes. Anywho, even more fascinating were the throngs of fans dressed like Lady Gaga. We saw no less than three people wearing this infamous "Poker Face" blue outfit.
And yes, at least one of them was a man. The fans were almost as good of an entertainment experience as Gaga herself. And I am happy to report that she does sound just as good live as she ever sounds on the radio - with no lipsynching. That alone, ladies and gentleman, offputting lyrics, lifestyle, beliefs, etc. aside, is enough to earn respect in the music biz these days.

The rest of my week was spent taking care of various things that I had neglected over the past year since I began working full-time. Not much relaxing, but it was still enjoyable.

Then I had to go back to work... Yikes. To say that I was not looking forward to it, is a gross understatement. But I have now eased back into my routine, except for one small (huge problem). Wednesday, April 27, 2011. Massive, destructive storm systems producing more than 200 tornadoes came right through my part of the country. Our house and neighborhood was untouched. The streets we have to travel to get there are a war zone. So terrible. Ringgold, Georgia (nearby) was completely wiped out among other towns. Alabama was the hardest hit. The worst thing I can complain about is that we still have no power. And I am totally okay with that.

Tomorrow I will be volunteering my time in Cleveland, Tennessee. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. I want to encourage all of you to help out in some way. Whether it be by making a monetary donation or one or supplies, or giving of your time, expertise or equipment. Comment and let me know what you're up to. Email me pictures of your efforts and I will send the first ten people who do so a $5 gift card from Target.

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