Gray & Mustard

Thursday, June 2, 2011


What is it with politicians and their indiscretions? Without fail, it seems, every week there is a new scandal revealed between some current or former politician. I just don't get it. I understand that politicians, just like celebrities, are people (well, most of them are, anyway, I think) and being people, can make mistakes and make some really bad judgement calls. It just seems to me that there just might be something a little different about this "elite" and select group of the population.

Look at how many marriages have been ripped apart because of these situations - Schwarzeneger, Edwards. And it was so public. Imagine what kind of headache and heartache that must have caused for their poor families, especially the kids.

All of this to bring me to today's topic: Representative Anthony Weiner of New York (D). At first glance, my initial reaction is to feel a little sorry for the guy - strictly because of his last name (and yes he does pronounce it how you're hoping he really doesn't). Can you imagine growing up with all the endless, ready-made jokes? Yikes. Anyway, apparently Mr. Weiner allegedly sent a picture of his weiner (in his 'underpants' as reported in the news') to a college student via Twitter.

Several strange goings-on regarding the matter: No report was made to the authorities by Mr. Weiner (yes, I can't stop writing his name that way and yes, I giggle a little to myself inside everytime). Not only was no report made, but when asked why, Mr. Weiner (tehehe) can't give a straight or good answer about it. He just makes some of his supposedly trademark sarcastic remarks and tries to move on. Also, this morning on GMA he was asked if he was able to recognize that the picture was, in fact, of him. He did say that that was being investigated. Really? That's how you're going to answer that question. It's a yes or no question. Your answer (if you're innocent, which I'm more and more suspicious is not the case) should be NO. The picture is not of me.

Either way, here's a couple of wrapping-up points that everyone should remember:

1. You should decide very early on in life if you're going to try to be a politician. That way you can remember to stay out of any mischief or away from any behavior that could possibly be misconstrued as any of the following terms: 'lewd', 'inappropriate' or 'scandalous'.

2. NEVER, and I cannot stress this enough, never take naked, semi-naked or inappropriate pictures of yourself. Even if you never send them. It really doesn't matter. We should all have learned by now (from all of the idiots who have had their mishaps smeared all over the media) that they're going to come out eventually somehow.

3. If you really just can't help yourself with the whole naked picture thing (which I really don't understand), DO NOT ever under any circumstances send them, post them, etc. through any type of internet-related means. Just don't do it. It's not hard!

So, for right now, I'm just going to sit back and wait to see how long it takes for Mr. Weiner to recant and admit that he did send the photo. I give it to middle-late next week. We shall see.

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