Gray & Mustard

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Buon Anniversario!

Whoa. I'm here. I've hit a wall in my 'moving forward', in my enthusiasm about everything and my busyness. And all because I've fully come to the realization that everything is about to change. It's zapped my energy and stuck a giant stone in the pit of my stomach. I feel it so heavy on me.

I am one who enjoys change and I usually do not dread it one bit, but this time is different. Also because I usually never come to the understanding ahead of time that things are about to change. This time, now that I know it, I'm not feeling so okay about it. But alas, things will go on. They always do!

Today is my third wedding anniversary.

I can not believe it has been three years! I would say that it seems just like yesterday.... but it doesn't (and not in a bad way!). To think that three years ago I was at my wit's end, having entertained and translated for Italian family for two weeks prior to the wedding on top of all the stress of putting on a wedding. I was so wound up by the time I was about to walk down the aisle, I was frantically searching for some Xanax.

But the most amazing accomplishment, in my opinion, is that I met my husband when I was 16 and for 5 years we maintained a VERY long-distance relationship. I have now known him for 8 years and that blows my mind. The day of your wedding is not the most important day of your life. It's not going to put another gold star on your record, nor does it mean that the whole world will stop just for you. No, the most important stuff is what comes after. The 'making it work' (not in a negative way) of the day-to-day. All people are individuals. Some are more dependent and some more independent. But most importantly we are all different. Combining two individuals in marriage is a feat - absolutely something to be celebrated. Marriage is a miracle. Each and every day it is, I believe. It's certainly not easy. Men are stinky and make a mess, that's just part of being a wife - learn to deal with it. But I couldn't imagine my life without my stinky, messy man in it.

I love you baby and can't wait to see how will learn and grow in the next years to come. The sky's the limit.

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