Gray & Mustard

Monday, May 16, 2011

Quality Time

Well, try as I might, every time I sit to think about writing a blog post, I got nothing. But I suppose something is better than nothing.

We have some exciting things coming our way (I think, anyway). Now I'm finding myself just wishing away the time. Too much thinking, not enough doing. Something there is also a little more of in our household is talking. I know, I know, we're only three years in - it's too soon to be able to say that you never talk. But it's true! With the excuse of "It's just the two of us!" we got a little too comfortable of parking in front of the TV to eat dinner. I know, I'm ashamed. Well, our new rule is only at the table. And by golly it works! We talk to each other. I grew up in a family where we always ate dinner together at the table. I truly know better. It got the best of us but now we're changing and really enjoying it. I really like my husband, too. He's nice to talk to!

So, I'm coming to the realization that I often don't take even just a smidgen of time to do something that is actually relaxing that I enjoy. I'm not talking lounging around the house, but using our outdoor fire pit when it's cool at night or fixing some hot tea. I had a little splurge a few weeks back and bought some new fancy tea from the new Teavana store in town. It's pretty much the most amazing stuff I've ever experienced. It's loose tea, so not only is it really pretty to look at, it's the best-tasting stuff ever! What I got is a blend of two different chai blends. I could just drink that stuff all day long, except that it is freaking expensive and I'd go broke. Luckily when I bought the stuff I was with my mom who was an expert. I was ready to get a pound before I even knew how much it cost. Over $60! Quarter of a pound here I come! No matter how long it lasts me, I will be returning for more and to try different blends. Check out their online store!

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