Gray & Mustard

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Finer Things in Life

I've just introduced my very Italian husband to the wonder that is a port wine cheese ball covered in almonds. He loved it of course. How could he not? He's still really skeptical about American cheeses as, well, he should be. What they know of American cheeses in Italy is Kraft Singles - not exactly the best impression. But what he didn't know is that there are plenty of other really good real American cheeses. Real cheddar is great, although he still for the life of him, can't understand how it gets its color...

I think I've finally arrived at the point of giving up mass quantities of junk for smaller portions of treasures. Wow, that was poetic, but true! My husband and I have discovered a variety of Triscuit that is mind-blowingly good - Cracked Pepper and Olive Oil. So delicious.


Picture this, though. Even more delicious to add to them is a bit of brie (which incidentally, according to my facebook poll, is delicious and well-liked and does not smell like poot. To the guilty parties who provoked this entire debate, you know who you are.) and a marinated kalamata olive. I'll go out on a limb and say that it is quite possibly one of the best flavor combinations in the whole snacking world. We allow ourselves six triscuits, 4 olives and single wedge of 'wee brie'. Not enough, one might say. I beg to differ. I'm finding that even the smallest quantities of the finer things in life are so much better than ridiculous super-sized helpings of crap. I mean clearly I've always know this, but I'm actually starting to put into practice. 

Are there days when I really just want a burger and a lot of french fries for lunch? Heck yes. But I know I always feel better (on several fronts - physically, financially) if I stick with my spinach salad with cherry tomatoes. It's delicious and I top it with some awesome olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Nothing better. I'm finding the same is true with how I spend my time. In our household, we've decided, no TV after work. We eat at the dinner table and watch TV only after dinner is over. We don't have kids and just cook for the two of us. The temptation of eating in front of the TV on the couch has won us over. But a little discipline has gone a long way and we are really enjoying it. 

One thing I am not enjoying right now is this pollen. My nose is killing me and now I've got one of those annoying little dry spots that keeps coming up in the back of your throat that produces one of those uncontrollable coughs that even water doesn't seem to help. Oh well. I can't complain too much. The weather has been gorgeous. Let's hope it stays this way.

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