Gray & Mustard

Monday, November 14, 2011


Well, we're here...  the end.  I've decided to close up shop -- but let me tell you why.

Somewhere over the course of the past few years I've lost who I once was (corny and dumb, I know, but hear me out).  When I left the United States in August of 2003 (EIGHT YEARS AGO.... I can't believe it's been that long), I had no idea what I was going to do in Italy for an entire school year.  Well, it turns out that I was able to live out an entire nine months of my life being completely me.  I fell in love, I grew up. I found what I feel to be the most real Sarah Cate I've ever known.  Then something happened...  I had to go back home.

Now, no disrespect to my home because I adore it... I wouldn't be living here now if I didn't.  But then things started to get serious, as things tend to do.  I was faced with some really difficult decisions (that I completely imposed upon myself, of course).  Being crazy, desperate in love with someone halfway around the world will make a person get serious really fast.  I had to be with him, no matter what.  I still feel that way.  But because of being so completely headstrong, I did anything (and I do mean anything) to be where I wanted and when.  I worked, really hard.  I studied.  I filled out paperwork.  I called consulates.  Made ridiculous road trips to Detroit that I found out were then unnecessary -- all to marry the love of my life, which I do not regret for one moment.  But somewhere in that whole process, I grew up too much.  I got to be too serious.  Most importantly, I began to take myself too seriously.  And for those of you who have known me for quite some time, you know that that just isn't me.  Have I still acted crazy and dumb like my former hyperactive self at times?  Sure.  But any of that was always overshadowed about the more serious and grown-up things I had running through the back of my mind.

I am happy with my life right now.  I am beyond grateful for my new job which I adore.  I still love my husband just as much as I did that year in Italy and in all the subsequent years, too.  I am ecstatic that my husband and I have a home to call our very own and two dogs (and two parents, their dog and cat for the moment, too) to share it with.  But like I said, I've still lost my most authentic self somewhere along the way.

And I'm on a mission to get her back.

The old me would never have entitled her blog 'The UNfabulous Life'.  NEVER.  She knew how fabulous her life was and wanted to share its fabulousness with everyone -- even if she was obnoxious. I know you all have known that I haven't hardly written at all in months.  Well, let's suffice it to say that a stick has been thrown in my spokes and although it's been taking me down in slow motion, it has taken me down.  But in the process, it's held a mirror back to my face and shown me what I've shared with you here.

I have loved writing this blog, but it became a huge weight.  What will I write? Will anyone even care?  But most importantly it was the fact that I didn't care.  I've been more concerned with people seeing me as someone who has it all together instead of just being myself.  God, I could just hurt myself for writing that now.  That is not me.  So, this is the last post of The Unfabulous Life because in my opinion, if I'm not ready to tell people how truly fabulous my life really is, then I don't need to be writing for a blog named The Unfabulous Life.

I will be blogging again, somewhere else.  I haven't decided where.  I haven't decided when.  It might be months from now, it might be tomorrow.  Who knows?   But you can bet your bottom dollar that I will be telling readers then about how fabulous my life truly is.

The End

Friday, October 28, 2011


Today was a good day. All because I faced all things with an attitude of gratitude. And what a difference.
First of all, I (all of us, really) have so much to be grateful for it's not even funny. I even got the flutters in my chest walking out of Walgreen's today because the lady who told me she could check me out at the cosmetics counter so I wouldn't have to wait was so nice! Yes, the flutters in my chest is what I call them. No need to explain - you all know what I'm talking about. Don't lie. Of course this thought is easier to keep in the forefront as the Thanksgiving holiday is approaching, but it's beyond important to keep this in mind all the time. We all have so much to be grateful for. Take some time today to think about what you have to be grateful for.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Well, I dare say it's beyond obvious that I've fallen off the wagon -- of blogging, that is -- and for that I apologize. But in all fairness I've started a new job, have a new nephew (I'm in loooooove!) and my parents live with us now (which I'm happy about (seriously!), if they even read this, which I doubt).  Excuses? Probably, but whatever, cut me a break! Over my 'low point' of blogging (believe me, when I'm not blogging, it doesn't mean I'm not thinking about it. On the contrary, I think about it all the time) I seriously considered just shutting things down. But during the course of the wallowing in my blogosphere sorrows, I realized that I still want to do this. So that brings me here. Now onto an embarrassingly overdue housekeeping matter...

And the winner is..........drumroll................. Jordan E. Raley!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! Email me your address and your little packet of cooking joy will be on its way! Yay!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

100th Post Giveaway!!!

Presenting to you, as promised, a giveaway in celebration of my 100th blog post! I've posted sporadically over the past few months, but I have stuck with it and I'm still here! You, too, have stuck with me through it as well and that is what this is all about. To show you my appreciation for your continued readership, I am giving away the following:

1. A copy of John Mariani's book How Italian Food Conquered the World

2. A bundle of our favorite cooking gadgets: garlic peeler, garlic press, gnocchi board and more!

If you love Italian food, you will love Mariani's book. I couldn't put it down! It's amazing to see how things evolved from The Old Country to the New World. Not to mention all the exciting, yummy dishes you can make with our goodies. See the rules of play below in order to participate.

Rules of Play
1. Become a follower of this blog and my solely food-dedicated blog The Saucy Italian.
2. Comment on this post and tell me what you'd like to see on my blog in the future (discussions, recipes, etc.)
3. That's it! Simple, right? The winner will be decided by a random number generator and announced on Saturday, September 24th. All entries must be made by midnight (EST) on Friday, September 23rd.

I am so excited about this giveaway. I hope you will be too!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My 9/11 Story.

Today, as we all know, marks the 10th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack that I ever hope to witness during my lifetime. It's hard to believe that ten years have passed. It's sad to know that there is so much hatred in our world and worse, that people seem to be more and more willing to act upon that hatred.

But as we always hear around this anniversary, so many stories of the good that have come from this tragic event emerge. I like to think that how my husband and I met is also indirectly one of those stories.

As many of you know, I studied abroad during my junior year of high school (2003-2004), just two years after the September 11th attacks. The town where I attended an American school was very close to a large military base. The mayor of Viterbo offered some added measures of protection after the attacks in the form of posting some military personnel outside of the school 24/7 to check packages, comings and goings, etc. It was on an October day 8 years ago (I know, 8 years. It's mind-boggling), that I first laid eyes on my husband-to-be, keeping watch outside of the school as an Italian soldier. Of course I could go on to tell you that he wasn't even supposed to be stationed at the school, but closer to Rome and that he was about to be discharged as his one year mandatory service was coming to a close, but because of several people being sick, someone had to fill in, but the simple truth is this: Had September 11th never happened, I don't know with any certainty that I would have met Benny. Really, what are the odds that a girl, born and raised in a very small town in Tennessee would meet, fall in love and marry a man from Bagheria, Italy (be honest, have you ever heard of that Italian city?)? God uses very mysterious ways to bring people together.

Monday, September 5, 2011

It's raining.

It's raining today and thank God! It has been so dry here that the last time hubs mowed the lawn out back it looked like a freaking dust storm. He was covered in dirt when he came in! There are a couple of draw backs to this rain today, though. 1. It's Labor Day - a day of cookouts and being outdoors. It ain't happening. 2. It's rained 5 inches just this morning and after about a two month drought, it's causing some problems. Roads are flooded and so are cars. Word to the wise, actually pay attention and follow through with the advice they always give to not drive through standing water. Your car will flood, possibly be swept away and almost certainly be totaled.

So, since our cooking out plans were foiled, we've decided to go see Bridesmaids (again!) with my brother and sister-in-law (who is about to pop and looks so precious!) who have not seen the movie, at the cheap movie theater. I'm pumped. I want to see a good comedy and laugh a lot today. I'm one of those losers who likes to see movies I've already seen. When I find a movie I like, I will watch it a billion and a half times until I have picked up on every single nuance possible. I'll always ask someone if they've seen a particular movie and if they remember this part or that part and they look at me like I'm crazy because they haven't seen it hundreds of time like myself. To let you know how fabulous my taste in movies is (and how random), I'll share with you a few of such movies:
1. Sex and the City: The Movie
2. Bridget Jones's Diary
3. Bridget Jones's Diary: The Edge of Reason
4. Love Actually
5. Shawshank Redemption
6. Legally Blonde
7. Miss Congeniality
8. (although not a movie) Sex and the City (the entire series. I know, it's sad and pathetic but hubs got me the entire set for Valentine's day year before last and I've watched it through in its entirety four times, not to mention all the random episodes I've also seen multiple times on TV)

Okay, so not so random, except for maybe the 'Redemption'.  Most of these are completely mindless movies, but they make me happy, so whatever.

With this post, I have 98 blog posts and I am planning an exciting giveaway for my 100th post. Stay tuned for details and tell your friends!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Job.

So, I have a new job! I start on Monday, the 12th and I can't wait! I'm working out my two weeks' notice right now. Yeah, that's fun. I am going to be a Legal Secretary for a huge local law firm! Yay! And this will be my view...

Well, not exactly my view, but let's just say that I will most definitely have access to this view of our amazing city every day! While I still have to go to my old job every day until next Thursday and that can be nauseating to say the least, I can already feel a difference in how I feel. I know that there is no perfect job, but I do know that there is a better job out there for me and I feel that that is exactly where I'm moving.

On another note, the hubs and I went on our first vacay since our honeymoon last week! Destin was beautiful and it was definitely the most relaxed I've felt in what feels like forever! I've had too much stress in my life lately, or it least it feels that way. I'm ready for some smoother sailing and good nights' sleep. I've discovered that a vacation is essential to mental health and therefore, plan on taking one every year, even if it's small.

My next big savings' project is on its way. I would love for me and the hubs to take a really awesome trip for our fifth anniversary which is in two years. Call me boring, call me conventional, but I really, really just want to go to an all-inclusive resort in a tropical destination. I can see me here...

So, I discovered Pinterest like a month ago and of course I'm just as addicted as everyone else. If you haven't joined, do it. It will change your life. I am so packed full of ideas, I can't sleep sometimes! Cute ideas, useful ideas, recipes, DIY projects, simply beautiful and joyous etc. You name it, they've got it. Definitely check it out.

'Til next time lovies...

Monday, August 15, 2011

I have a theory...

So I have this new theory. It involves food and all started with a weeklong fruit and vegetable juice fast. For one week we whipped up nothing but raw fruits and veggies in our Ninja. And I'll have to say that I've never felt better. My husband and I both did it and had tons of energy. I took some pretty gross looking (and tasting) sludge to work with me and my revelation came when I went to rinse the plastic containers out. They were so clean because there was nothing but good stuff in them that I had no need to even wash them. Made me think about how they did much the same inside my body. Think about the heavy, oily residue that our leftover dinner for lunch often leaves on the inside of our plastic containers. That's what it's going to leave on the inside of you too. Believe me I'm not saying this from a preachy place. We all have to splurge sometimes and indulge a little. But I just thought it was an interesting way to gauge the 'damage' the things we put in our body could be doing.

Below is a picture of the container I took some homemade chicken tortilla soup in. Minimal oil. Check out the recipe at

Monday, August 1, 2011

For Shame...

So, shame on me. Once again. Yes, I've let it go far too long without writing on my beloved blog. I do miss it, but believe me when I tell you - we have been busy! And I just hate when people always say, "oh, we're just so busy. Busy, busy, busy all the time!" But, in this case, I promise it's true.

Basically my biggest motive for writing tonight is a heart full of gratitude. I've arrived at a moment in time when God's blessings are so abundant in our lives that I can't help but feel grateful. We have had so many incredible opportunities placed in front of us. And these are all opportunities that are allowing us to do things we love. We had the privilege of catering our very first wedding reception this past Saturday. This was something that had been hanging over my head for a month. I was nervous, but I think the nervousness pushed me to think, rethink and even over-think (in a good way) things so much that we feel the reception was a great success. And we had a blast. It was hot - an outdoor event, but even despite feeling a big ill at the beginning, we just had so much fun! Then there are our cooking classes. We have at least one a week and through those, we have met some awesome people who want us to cater events for them too. The possibilities are endless and I know this is all taking us to our ultimate desire, which is to open our very own restaurant. Right now, we're just taking things as they come and when the time is right, it will all fall into place!

Another thing I have coming up is auditioning for The Voice this week on Friday. Now that catering madness is behind us, I can move on to this and allow myself to get excited! I'm leaving Thursday after work and spending the night. I'm sure it'll be a very early morning, but I'm ready. Bring it on! I'm excited, nervous, you name it... While there's always the selfish hope deep down inside that something does come of it, I also would be fine if I don't go past Friday. I just want to at least be able to say I tried.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Roller Coaster

Please don't hate me. It's been so long. I've missed you! I've really missed writing. OK, moving on.

So, this is my 94th post, which means I have a 100th post coming up very soon and I'm thinking giveaway - a great giveaway! What do you think? My last one, while I had one participation, was pretty small! Will you help me spread the word this time? I'll come up with something really great and let you know so you can get super excited!

This week has been a rough one at work. I know, I know... Again?!? But it's making me think twice about the why. Why do I always seem to be in a high-low pattern with my job? Why do certain people rattle me so? My natural reaction to these factors is, I need a new job. But after applying to countless places for countless different positions over the last year that I've held my current job (always as a knee-jerk reaction to a bad day/week), it's pretty clear that this whole economy thing is no joke. Of probably close to 100 applications, I've received ZERO response. Pretty discouraging, but it's also brought home the point that I DO have a job and I should be grateful for it. And I am. So, my next question is this - if I've learned that much, what else are my feelings about the whole work situation trying to teach me? My mother has told me many a time that a lot of things in life get to me so much because of my age and inexperience. I know this to be true but it doesn't change the fact that I still feel how I feel. I guess I have to just come to grips with the fact that I just have to chill out sometimes and not let things get to me like I do. Whatever. Easier said than done. I try and I'm going to keep trying. Trust me, the stress of it all is not good for my health. I've felt sick most of today and yesterday! So, I'm going to make a concerted effort to take a step back sometimes and just breathe. We'll see how it goes. And as always, I'll keep you posted!

Speaking of keeping you posted - I'm still going to be auditioning for The Voice three weeks from this Saturday. I'm getting really excited, too. I still need a hotel, but they haven't posted exactly where the auditions are going to be held! The line starts at 7:00 AM. Auditions are on a first come, first served basis and not everybody will get to audition. While I want to be able to audition, I am not the type to wait in long lines overnight. So I'd like to get a better picture of what part of Atlanta it's in so I can get a hotel close by! Problem solved. Oh well, maybe they'll post it soon. In the meantime, any ideas of songs to sing for the audition?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Celebration Weekend

We got to spend the weekend celebrating the marriage a dear friend. This is the first wedding of a really close friend that I've attended - so emotional! I absolutely love weddings. I also think that anyone who says otherwise is completely lying or delusional. To me, there's nothing happier. I also love the rehearsal dinner. It gives you a deeper insight into the couple - how much people love them, crazy things they've done over the years (which they would probably never want anyone to know!) and how much they love each other. In short, Abbie and Gray, your wedding was stunningly beautiful, you are both so incredibly loved and blessed and with all that love surrounding you as you begin your lives together, I know that nothing but a long life of happiness and love can await you. I love you guys!

Tomorrow is the 4th of July - one of my personal favorite holidays. America the great. America the beautiful. I'm pretty sure that most of my readers already know how I feel about America and how most people who don't appreciate where we live can really grate on my nerves. We take so many luxuries for granted. Most of us can't even come close to understanding just how good we have it.

I recently purchased a really beautiful book called 6 Billion Others: Portraits of Humanity from Around the World.

It profiles people from all over the world and asks questions about hopes, dreams, background, career, family, etc. Some people have several pages, but the section of the book I like the best is in between those sections. Several people from far and wide are asked to respond to the same question. The answers are short and sweet, but this is the part of the book that quickly allows you to see how different life is in different parts of the world. While reading responses to the question: What was your worst day?, it hit me. (I'll generalize by saying 'we', but believe me when I say that I'm speaking from my personal experience) We get so caught up in ourselves and our 'problems' that we completely lose sight of people who have real problems all over the world - every day. Civil wars, rape, disease, famine, discrimination, marginalization. Please never mistake me when I speak about America. I know that we are not perfect - we have our problems just like every other nation in the world. And yes, some of those things do still take place in our country, but I am still truly of the belief that in America, the general population is empowered and at liberty to fight for things that they believe in. We are all still encouraged to make our positive mark on the world - to make things better. This is something that does not happen often in other parts of the world. The general theme seems to be - don't make waves, don't question - things have been done this way up until now, why change them? Americans don't settle for this mentality. We are bred to question, to think for ourselves. That is why we are innovators. I hope we never stop.

Being of an age group where it's trendy to begin to question authority/government, where rocking the boat is often done simply to rock the boat and where people tend to be anti-everything, I say one thing. Happy birthday, America!!! We've got a long way to go, but we've also come so far.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Buon Anniversario!

Whoa. I'm here. I've hit a wall in my 'moving forward', in my enthusiasm about everything and my busyness. And all because I've fully come to the realization that everything is about to change. It's zapped my energy and stuck a giant stone in the pit of my stomach. I feel it so heavy on me.

I am one who enjoys change and I usually do not dread it one bit, but this time is different. Also because I usually never come to the understanding ahead of time that things are about to change. This time, now that I know it, I'm not feeling so okay about it. But alas, things will go on. They always do!

Today is my third wedding anniversary.

I can not believe it has been three years! I would say that it seems just like yesterday.... but it doesn't (and not in a bad way!). To think that three years ago I was at my wit's end, having entertained and translated for Italian family for two weeks prior to the wedding on top of all the stress of putting on a wedding. I was so wound up by the time I was about to walk down the aisle, I was frantically searching for some Xanax.

But the most amazing accomplishment, in my opinion, is that I met my husband when I was 16 and for 5 years we maintained a VERY long-distance relationship. I have now known him for 8 years and that blows my mind. The day of your wedding is not the most important day of your life. It's not going to put another gold star on your record, nor does it mean that the whole world will stop just for you. No, the most important stuff is what comes after. The 'making it work' (not in a negative way) of the day-to-day. All people are individuals. Some are more dependent and some more independent. But most importantly we are all different. Combining two individuals in marriage is a feat - absolutely something to be celebrated. Marriage is a miracle. Each and every day it is, I believe. It's certainly not easy. Men are stinky and make a mess, that's just part of being a wife - learn to deal with it. But I couldn't imagine my life without my stinky, messy man in it.

I love you baby and can't wait to see how will learn and grow in the next years to come. The sky's the limit.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Too Good to Pass Up.

I was watching Good Morning America again this morning (watching too long and then having to rush around like a crazy person to get ready and out the door) and I saw this 'story' go by on the bottom of the screen and every single time it caught my eye, I knew that I had to share it with you.


Yes, ladies and gentlemen this woman called 911 EMERGENCY services to report that the Hong Kong restaurant brought her the wrong food. Really? That's what you 're going to call 911 for? Unbelievable. To me, that ranks right up there with the people who just keep on driving, minding their business when ambulance/fire/police sirens are coming through and need for them to MOVE! And, of course, these people are the same who, if on the other end of the situation (waiting for emergency services to arrive) would complain that they didn't get there fast enough. It's just like the pople who drive gigantic SUVs then complain about gas prices. Hmmmm... either don't drive a gas-guzzling vehicle or stop complaining. Just a thought.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Judgement Day

Why is it that you can be going along in your day, happy as a clam (a saying, which I'm not sure I have ever understood. I mean, what supposedly makes clams so freaking happy? Not much, they all get eaten and don't fetch a high price. Digression...) and BAM - one thing hits you and changes completely how you feel? I generally am a happy person. I'm one of those that's in a good mood unless something makes me not be in one. There are also those people who are pretty much constantly in a bad mood unless something makes them be in a good mood. I'm so glad that I'm the former. Why, oh why did I click on that link and read what I read this morning? It's got me all worked up.

It's not a pleasant feeling when you feel that judgement has been passed on you. Only God can judge. Only God has any right to judge. I think we all need to remember that a little more. We are humans. We're the ones who are responsible for screwing everything up. And believe me, it certainly didn't stop with Adam, Eve, the apple and the snake. Can it not be enough for all of us to just admit that we don't know everything, no one has it all figured out and that we can all just try to do the best we can with what we've been equipped with? Done. The End. Breathe...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dog Food

This is something that I've found puzzling for quite some time, but sitting here watching a commercial about it made me remember that I need to share it with you. While shopping for precious Lyla's dog food yesterday, I came across a couple of brands of dog food that I found a little disturbing.
No, I can never resist sharing a photo of my precious bebe. She could totally be a dog model.
Rachel Ray sells dog food - food for dogs. Food for dogs from a 'celebrity' chef. And I use the term celebrity loosely - quite frankly Rachel Ray just annoys the crap out of me. Anyway, I pointed this out to Benny and said, "Perche?" WHY? Of course (and he's right), he responded that it has to be for the money. But just think of the tradeoff! You trade in your credibility for the few poor saps who buy your dog food. Really? I mean it's like a bottled spring water company selling toilet cleaner.  I just don't know. Doesn't seem quite right to me.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Voice

So, I may or may  not be auditioning for The Voice in August. That's two months away and I'm already nervous. What should I sing? What should I wear? Do I really want to go stand in line for-freaking-ever only to either not get to audition or to be told no? Hmmmm... Yeah, I'm pretty sure I do. It'll be fun!
Becoming a singer was a dream of mine, what feels like, many years ago (I'm only 24, I know, 'many years ago' isn't quite right). It is all I wanted but I never had any drive to make things happen and I was terrified of singing in front of people. Well, neither one of those things has really changed, but they kind of have. While I  may not dream of 'making it' as a singer now, I have come to realize that when I sing, I don't think about anything else. It is absolutely my release and relieves a tremendous amount of stress that I feel right now due to work and other things.. ahem, mainly work. Shhh - don't tell. With this new realization of relaxation, the latter problem has also been eased. That, coupled with recent 'performances' in a local karaoke bar using the stage name of Francesca (sad, but true) has helped me to not be so petrified when getting up to sing in front of people.

Basically, I'm not really hoping for anything to come of it, but I just think it might be fun. Also, I feel like I should do it now because even just a couple of years down the road, it might be harder to do. We'll see what happens and I'll be sure to share my experience with you!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Domestic Goddess

Well, what did I tell you? It's not quite a week since my last blog post where we discussed Mr. Weiner and just today he came out to say that he did lie and that the photos were of him. Without fail... it seems to happen this way every single time. The only thing I can think of is that it's a power thing. You get into office and start to get a big head and I guess you just think no one will find out, no one can touch you. Well, guess what? They can... Simple as that.

So, yours truly has been cooking up a storm the past week and a half. Along with my handy dandy meal planner, I've been a veritable domestic goddess. Look how beautiful!

Keep in mind, too that this is last season's. The current season's is white, pink, red and grey with a flower motif. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know... but as I always say - sometimes the fancy is more important than the functional. And my favorite part about this particular item is that it has both!

So anyway, I'm getting in the new practice of planning a menu with recipes (found online) at the beginning of ever week. I then do all the necessary grocery shopping and fill each day with one of the recipes. It's working because we know we're going to have all the ingredients we need and if you're not feeling particularly creative, you don't have to think about anything! The hubs loves the fact that he can already know what's for dinner. And since most recipes are for 4 portions, we put half aside and take the rest for the next day for lunch! Perfection.

So far I've made fish tacos, beef and mushroom sloppy joes, fajita-ranch chicken wraps, twice-baked salmon potatoes and grown-up grilled cheese. All good recipes and all very well-liked by my husband and me. All recipes were found on There's a great tool where you can create different weekly menus and shopping lists. All recipes have been tested, too. They're easy, fresh and delicious. I'm hooked!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


What is it with politicians and their indiscretions? Without fail, it seems, every week there is a new scandal revealed between some current or former politician. I just don't get it. I understand that politicians, just like celebrities, are people (well, most of them are, anyway, I think) and being people, can make mistakes and make some really bad judgement calls. It just seems to me that there just might be something a little different about this "elite" and select group of the population.

Look at how many marriages have been ripped apart because of these situations - Schwarzeneger, Edwards. And it was so public. Imagine what kind of headache and heartache that must have caused for their poor families, especially the kids.

All of this to bring me to today's topic: Representative Anthony Weiner of New York (D). At first glance, my initial reaction is to feel a little sorry for the guy - strictly because of his last name (and yes he does pronounce it how you're hoping he really doesn't). Can you imagine growing up with all the endless, ready-made jokes? Yikes. Anyway, apparently Mr. Weiner allegedly sent a picture of his weiner (in his 'underpants' as reported in the news') to a college student via Twitter.

Several strange goings-on regarding the matter: No report was made to the authorities by Mr. Weiner (yes, I can't stop writing his name that way and yes, I giggle a little to myself inside everytime). Not only was no report made, but when asked why, Mr. Weiner (tehehe) can't give a straight or good answer about it. He just makes some of his supposedly trademark sarcastic remarks and tries to move on. Also, this morning on GMA he was asked if he was able to recognize that the picture was, in fact, of him. He did say that that was being investigated. Really? That's how you're going to answer that question. It's a yes or no question. Your answer (if you're innocent, which I'm more and more suspicious is not the case) should be NO. The picture is not of me.

Either way, here's a couple of wrapping-up points that everyone should remember:

1. You should decide very early on in life if you're going to try to be a politician. That way you can remember to stay out of any mischief or away from any behavior that could possibly be misconstrued as any of the following terms: 'lewd', 'inappropriate' or 'scandalous'.

2. NEVER, and I cannot stress this enough, never take naked, semi-naked or inappropriate pictures of yourself. Even if you never send them. It really doesn't matter. We should all have learned by now (from all of the idiots who have had their mishaps smeared all over the media) that they're going to come out eventually somehow.

3. If you really just can't help yourself with the whole naked picture thing (which I really don't understand), DO NOT ever under any circumstances send them, post them, etc. through any type of internet-related means. Just don't do it. It's not hard!

So, for right now, I'm just going to sit back and wait to see how long it takes for Mr. Weiner to recant and admit that he did send the photo. I give it to middle-late next week. We shall see.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Back to school?

I'm contemplating the idea of going back to school this fall - just one class. I don't want to lose any of the credits I've already earned, but I also can't afford to take more classes. This would involve working a bit with my employer, which I'm not really that worried about. I need to look into it then work on a plan. I've got to make things happen.

Also, my husband confessed that he would feel guilty if I didn't finish school one day - like he made me quit school and get married! Ha! Poor thing. But I do want to finish and I will do it. It will take time - definitely a number of years, but It's definitely something I want to accomplish.

I'm also trying to re-school myself in the art of planning and organization. And yes, this does involve a lot of purchasing of pretty products. Mead makes an amazing line of products that help with this. My latest purchase is the meal planning calendar. As disappointing an answer as it is - my husband and I do not cook very much at home for each other. Well, we're trying to get better at that. I have planned out a menu for the entire week, created a shopping list and created a schedule. The beauty of it is that I only have to cook three times a week. Most recipes are calculated for a minimum of 4 portions, so we keep the leftover and repeat a few days later. Last night I made beef and mushroom sloppy joes and the hubs loved them! They were pretty darn good! Tomorrow is fish tacos!

Tonight we didn't cook at home, but we did cook at Mia Cucina. Check out The Saucy Italian to follow our experience and check out some pictures from tonight's class!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Swamp People.

Well, we spent our weekend down in Louisiana for a true Louisiana-style wedding, complete with a crawfish boil. It was awesome! I also think that this is quite possibly the best mother-son dance EVER.

(BOO, video upload isn't working right now. Working hard to fix this!)

While we were waiting for the lovely outdoor ceremony to start, we overheard some of the guests discussing a program called Swamp People. Seeing as how we were in swamp country, the next day when flipping through channels in the hotel, we came across an episode. Wow. The man actually said that his favorite foods were squirrel, frogs, alligator - I'm not picky about food, I guess. Hysterical, very entertaining. I highly recommend it.

So, it's back to work tomorrow after a long weekend. I think I'd rather eat some squirrel or frog than go. So thankful to have a job, just wish I enjoyed it a little more.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Walk a Mile in These Shoes.


So, this one day... I was searching for some shoes. I did a search for "Dress" and "Black". These are two of the options that popped up. My eyes have been officially offended and assaulted. Last I checked in the zebras' natural habitat, there was no hot pink or lime green paint to be accidentally splattered on their black and white stripes. Plus, zebras have too much natural style to ever attempt that color combination.
On the other hand, had I wanted to wear a f.m. pump (something that I never desire to wear, thank you), I would not also want to be reminiscent of a toddler in a pageant wearing full glitz with ruffled socks.

Have a fancy days, my lovies!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In the Office...

I have just finished creating the most amazing home office known to man. Okay, granted we have some finishing touches to add - an actual, real desk for example. But I can not even begin to stress how much better I feel. Take a look...

I know it doesn't look like much, but to me it is everything. I have a filing cabinet where all of our paper can go - amazing! Yes, there is a Christmas wreath in the corner (it is on its way up to the attic) and the carpet is still unbearable, but it's still beautiful. You see those circles on the wall? Those are the most amazing things I have ever found. Decals that you can write on. I know, simply brilliant, right? Not that I made them or anything. I totally bought them, but still I think they're completely genius!

Also, check my beautiful board with pretty colorful push pins on the cork board side and notice the tiny, magnetic, hanging dry erase markers on the white board side. "Where it all begins..." Yes, that will one day be the truth. We can look back and reminisce that this was where it all began. I'm feeling more productive and motivated already. In the top corner of the white board is a very old fortune from a fortune cookie. It says, "Focus on your long term goals. Success will soon be yours." I'm going to will it to be true. At least that's what I keep telling myself. We'll see how that goes.

Most importantly, I got to do one of my greatest joys in life - buy stationery/office supplies. Designer highlighters and last but not least, that is in fact a rhinestone-covered stapler. Leopard print. It is okay to be jealous. It was a complete impulse buy, but I couldn't let it get away. I was afraid I would never see anything like it again and it would be gone forever. But now it is mine. By the way, TJMaxx is THE place for stuff like this. Those highlighters are Cynthia Rowley, 50% off retail.

I did buy the desk piece before I had an actual desk, which is my bad. But once again, I had to have it. It has a built-in charging station, plus it's pretty. We do need a desk and one day we will buy one. But for now, the table will have to do.

On a completely unrelated note, I am so sick of those Charmin commercials with the cartoon bears. Really? Even if it's a cartoon, I do not want to see bits of toilet tissue stuck to someone's bum. Gross.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Are You Deaf?

So I'm just now watching American Idol for the first time this season and I find myself wondering... are you deaf judges? I haven't watched or really followed any season since probably the first two or three. And quite frankly now that Simon is gone, so is all the really good feedback. Mean or not, he always made some valid points. If everyone is just so nice, then what's the point? Scotty, from what I've heard so far, in my opinion, sounds pretty horrible. I'm not a country fan, but putting that aside, I still don't think he sounds great! Lauren is from my town. I guess I might be a tad bit biased. It would be pretty awesome for someone from Chattanooga to win. I think she sounds pretty good, but I don't really see any 'star quality'. 

Well, the hubs and I have been asked back to teach six, count them, SIX classes at Mia Cucina in June. Check the schedule and sign up! You might even get to catch us sparring in Italian (all in love, of course). We had another catering job this past weekend that I think went well. But most importantly, it got us to our exciting, top secret idea for when we do open our restaurant. The most exciting part about this venture is that nobody else does it. It's got me so excited, I get chills every time I talk about it. We're trying to make big changes so we can save up the dollars, go get a loan and get this baby open! I. Am. So. Excited.

On another, much more exciting note, the season finale of Glee comes on right after American Idol. I cannot wait. And it's starting now - toodle-loo!!! Until next time... (which I'm hoping will be sooner than a week after this post)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Quality Time

Well, try as I might, every time I sit to think about writing a blog post, I got nothing. But I suppose something is better than nothing.

We have some exciting things coming our way (I think, anyway). Now I'm finding myself just wishing away the time. Too much thinking, not enough doing. Something there is also a little more of in our household is talking. I know, I know, we're only three years in - it's too soon to be able to say that you never talk. But it's true! With the excuse of "It's just the two of us!" we got a little too comfortable of parking in front of the TV to eat dinner. I know, I'm ashamed. Well, our new rule is only at the table. And by golly it works! We talk to each other. I grew up in a family where we always ate dinner together at the table. I truly know better. It got the best of us but now we're changing and really enjoying it. I really like my husband, too. He's nice to talk to!

So, I'm coming to the realization that I often don't take even just a smidgen of time to do something that is actually relaxing that I enjoy. I'm not talking lounging around the house, but using our outdoor fire pit when it's cool at night or fixing some hot tea. I had a little splurge a few weeks back and bought some new fancy tea from the new Teavana store in town. It's pretty much the most amazing stuff I've ever experienced. It's loose tea, so not only is it really pretty to look at, it's the best-tasting stuff ever! What I got is a blend of two different chai blends. I could just drink that stuff all day long, except that it is freaking expensive and I'd go broke. Luckily when I bought the stuff I was with my mom who was an expert. I was ready to get a pound before I even knew how much it cost. Over $60! Quarter of a pound here I come! No matter how long it lasts me, I will be returning for more and to try different blends. Check out their online store!

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Finer Things in Life

I've just introduced my very Italian husband to the wonder that is a port wine cheese ball covered in almonds. He loved it of course. How could he not? He's still really skeptical about American cheeses as, well, he should be. What they know of American cheeses in Italy is Kraft Singles - not exactly the best impression. But what he didn't know is that there are plenty of other really good real American cheeses. Real cheddar is great, although he still for the life of him, can't understand how it gets its color...

I think I've finally arrived at the point of giving up mass quantities of junk for smaller portions of treasures. Wow, that was poetic, but true! My husband and I have discovered a variety of Triscuit that is mind-blowingly good - Cracked Pepper and Olive Oil. So delicious.


Picture this, though. Even more delicious to add to them is a bit of brie (which incidentally, according to my facebook poll, is delicious and well-liked and does not smell like poot. To the guilty parties who provoked this entire debate, you know who you are.) and a marinated kalamata olive. I'll go out on a limb and say that it is quite possibly one of the best flavor combinations in the whole snacking world. We allow ourselves six triscuits, 4 olives and single wedge of 'wee brie'. Not enough, one might say. I beg to differ. I'm finding that even the smallest quantities of the finer things in life are so much better than ridiculous super-sized helpings of crap. I mean clearly I've always know this, but I'm actually starting to put into practice. 

Are there days when I really just want a burger and a lot of french fries for lunch? Heck yes. But I know I always feel better (on several fronts - physically, financially) if I stick with my spinach salad with cherry tomatoes. It's delicious and I top it with some awesome olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Nothing better. I'm finding the same is true with how I spend my time. In our household, we've decided, no TV after work. We eat at the dinner table and watch TV only after dinner is over. We don't have kids and just cook for the two of us. The temptation of eating in front of the TV on the couch has won us over. But a little discipline has gone a long way and we are really enjoying it. 

One thing I am not enjoying right now is this pollen. My nose is killing me and now I've got one of those annoying little dry spots that keeps coming up in the back of your throat that produces one of those uncontrollable coughs that even water doesn't seem to help. Oh well. I can't complain too much. The weather has been gorgeous. Let's hope it stays this way.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Heartbreak Warfare

I haven't been writing this week because I have literally been too caught up in my thoughts to do so. I can't stop thinking. Thinking about friends, thinking about my life, thinking about the future, thinking about the present. You name it, I thought about it.

Most importantly my heart is breaking tonight for so many friends. It seems that all around me this week, dear friends (old and new) are dealing with some really serious shit. I usually try to keep it clean, so pardon my language, but sometimes that's just what it is. One is bad, two is tough, but three - well that just pushes one to the edge, does it not? It has been a long time since I've felt sadness, true sadness for a friend (or better to say for anyone other than myself or for my circumstances). I know that sounds lame, but it's the truth. I feel like I'm a pretty empathetic person. I understand how things can be upsetting to friends and I'm not laughing in their face or anything, but I usually go on about my business, just keeping it in the back of my mind somewhere. But this stuff has been at the forefront of my mind non-stop. Things always happen in threes, isn't that what they say? Another thing to add to my three is of course the storm damage that I drive through every day, several times. Things are getting better and my area was not by far the worst hit, but I feel the weight of it every time I drive down the road and see the huge uprooted trees on both sides of the road, mangled power lines still blocking driveways and tree removal crews and people from the power company working around the clock. It's a lot to take in. And yes, despite the fact that it's been a week now, I still nearly run off the road every time I leave my house. I need to focus on the road. It could be a problem.

Not trying to throw a pity party. Really, that's not what this is all about. Mostly, I just really felt the need to write tonight for the first time all week. I tried the night before last. I wrote three lines and then I just couldn't do it. I could not subject my lovely readers to such rubbish. But I do thank you for allowing me share my thoughts on these vague but trying matters. Don't laugh or judge for what I'm about to try to express, but... I'm in the state of mind where I'm so sad for everyone and everything that all I imagine myself wanting to do is just hug the whole world and try to make it better. I know that all I can do is pray. Quite frankly, I've been finding even that difficult to do when I can't stop thinking. (PS - you have no idea how long it's taking me to write this.)

To sum up: A few things I've learned this week.

1. Never ignore a friend who is hurting, no matter how bad or not bad you think it is. We could all use a little more love and compassion in our lives.
2. Cheating is bad - don't do it.
3. Mother Nature is completely amazing and terrifying all at once. When she's good to us, she's very good. But when she's bad, well, take cover.
4. We could all stand to be a little bit nicer to each other. We all deal with so many emotions, bad and good, everyday. Your friendly smile or kind words could be just what someone needs to turn their day around.

The End

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hiatus... And Volunteer Giveaway!

Wow! I did not expect a two week hiatus to come out of my vacation time, but it did! I missed you! Did you miss me? I hope you did because otherwise, why am I writing?

Let me catch you up...
Lady Gaga was fantastic, of course. Even more 'fabulous' was the opening band Semi-Precious Weapons. Yes, he pranced around the stage wearing a blazer, silk tank, high-heeled ankle boots and only pantyhose. No, don't worry, nothing inappropriate was seen... I think. Uplifting lyrics and wholesome performance, absolutely not. Completely outrageous and entertaining, yes. Anywho, even more fascinating were the throngs of fans dressed like Lady Gaga. We saw no less than three people wearing this infamous "Poker Face" blue outfit.
And yes, at least one of them was a man. The fans were almost as good of an entertainment experience as Gaga herself. And I am happy to report that she does sound just as good live as she ever sounds on the radio - with no lipsynching. That alone, ladies and gentleman, offputting lyrics, lifestyle, beliefs, etc. aside, is enough to earn respect in the music biz these days.

The rest of my week was spent taking care of various things that I had neglected over the past year since I began working full-time. Not much relaxing, but it was still enjoyable.

Then I had to go back to work... Yikes. To say that I was not looking forward to it, is a gross understatement. But I have now eased back into my routine, except for one small (huge problem). Wednesday, April 27, 2011. Massive, destructive storm systems producing more than 200 tornadoes came right through my part of the country. Our house and neighborhood was untouched. The streets we have to travel to get there are a war zone. So terrible. Ringgold, Georgia (nearby) was completely wiped out among other towns. Alabama was the hardest hit. The worst thing I can complain about is that we still have no power. And I am totally okay with that.

Tomorrow I will be volunteering my time in Cleveland, Tennessee. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. I want to encourage all of you to help out in some way. Whether it be by making a monetary donation or one or supplies, or giving of your time, expertise or equipment. Comment and let me know what you're up to. Email me pictures of your efforts and I will send the first ten people who do so a $5 gift card from Target.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

New rule

From now on, whenever  I come across something that I just absolutely love, I am going to by it. No more contemplating. If I love it, it's mine. Once again my "sleep on it" rule has thwarted my efforts to buy something that I've really researched and carefully thought about. I found the perfect patio set at HomeGoods yesterday evening. That's right, not quite 24 hours ago. I went back to buy it today and all of the sets were gone. Gone! There were several colors: orange, yellow, white, teal, green. The only one left was an orange set and for those of you who know me best, you know how I feel about orange. So, instead I was forced to take home two different teal chairs (I had to take them! They were the only two left and I just knew all the people in the store were eying them, just waiting to steal them away from me!) I actually like these chairs better than the ones that came with the set, but now we're stuck with the problem of finding a table. It's not looking good. Luckily, the kind lady at the checkout told me that the sets we saw were the first ones they had received so it's probable that they will get some more in. Maybe even tomorrow! So, I'll be calling tomorrow to check.

Tomorrow starts my week of vacation. I have a lot of stuff to do but some intense relaxation is also in store. Of course my visions of relaxation included my perfect patio set on our deck with me reading my latest book purchase, enjoying coffee in the morning, pasta at lunch, maybe even an afternoon ice cream. Now that all hangs in the balance of tomorrow and a potential truckload full of beauteous patio furniture. I'll let you know how it's looking!

My most recently purchased book How Italian Food Conquered the World is turning out to be fascinating. Granted the entire forward and first few chapters are a lot of history (which, in this volume, usually bores me to tears), but it's so interesting to see how quickly Italian food really developed over just about the last 100 years. It makes sense, though. Most people don't know that Italy, as a unified country, didn't exist until 1861, almost 100 years after the U.S. It's also surprising how many silly things we owe to Italian-American culture, such as:
Hokey-pokey: "O, che poco..." as the street vendors used to yell.
The macaroni reference in the Yankee Doodle song, one of the first references to Italian cuisine in "pop culture".
Anyway, I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in the history of Italian food and its rise to popularity.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Fancy Feast is ridiculous.

I think it's fair to say that Fancy Feast has gone too far. This commercial is ridiculous! Yes, this beautiful scene of proposal and redecoration absolutely would make me want to go buy some Fancy Feast for my imaginary feline companion (who is prissy nonetheless). Yikes.

I am taking the entire next week off from work and I am so excited. I haven't had this much time just for myself in well over a year. This was all jumpstarted by the fact that I am going to see Lady Gaga in concer next Tuesday. I planned to take two days off but since our office is closed Friday, I figured, why not take the whole week? So there will be a lot of "me" time and catching up on a lot of stuff I've been neglecting for a long time. I'll be making a trip to Nashville for the concert but other than that it's a total in-house vacation. But honestly at this point, I don't even care. I think I'm ready for a break.

During my week off I hope to put together a series of posts about the things I found when cleaning out some boxes of my childhood things from my parents' attic. Mostly talking about how silly kids are and how things seem when you reflect back on then as an adult. Get ready for it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I have problems.

I am by no means a klepto. I promise. But there is a particular item that I have had an insatiable desire to possess for years now. And it's not an item that is readily available to the general public. What would you do with it after you got it, you might ask? I have no freaking idea. I just want it. Really bad. To make matters worse, I have now seen this particular item in pink - a rare find indeed. My desire continues.

Alright, alright, I give. Just promise me you won't laugh too hard or think I'm too crazy. Once again, I can't explain why, it's just a part of me. The item I wish to possess is this:
Yes, a pneumatic tube carrier (as I have just come to learn that it is called) that you find at any bank teller drive-thru. I know that this is not something that will go away either. It's been going on for years! So, it was finally suggested to me that I check eBay. I found some, but none in pink. So, naturally, my next thought was this: what if I buy one of the ugly colors (black, gray, beige) took it to the bank and tried to negotiate a swap? Do you think they'd think I'm crazy? How silly of me. Of course I already know the answer to that question. But it doesn't change how I feel. What can I do?

I work hard.

When I went to Sam's this weekend, I was magnetically drawn to a pack of teeny tiny, brightly colored rainbow post-its. Have I used them yet? No, they're too beautiful! But I did make some really cool, ahem, "sculptures" at work yesterday afternoon. Yes, I work hard.

Monday, April 11, 2011


I just returned from a visit to my local Books-A-Million. Rarely do I ever go there, or set foot in a bookstore because I get a little crazy and want to buy everything. But after reading our latest edition of "La Cucina Italiana" there were a few books reviewed that I just had to have. First of all, the Cooking books section was a mess. It wasn't organized alphabetically by title or author. I couldn't make heads or tails of it at all. By luck, hubs immediately found the first book we were looking for and we had to have them order the second. So, we go up to the cash register where the girl tries to get us to sign up for their "club". She goes through the whole gag with the coupons and discounts and freebies. Only $17.50/year!!! Well, like I said, I rarely go to book stores. Now my mother at this point usually, politely cuts the person off to save their breath, but I still can't bring myself to interrupt. I know she used to be just like I am now (her response to me is, you're still young, you'll get over it). So when she finished - 15 minutes later - I said, "No, not tonight. Thank you, though!". To which she exasperatedly responded, "You're killing me!", huffed and puffed a little bit and went on checking us out. I don't really appreciate that, but whatever. If you shop on the Planet Earth these days, you're used to having credit card offers, etc. come your way every time you near the checkout. I've been there, I know you're required to ask and it's not you fault and you probably don't even want to do it, but don't act so put out when I say no.

This next part she clearly prefaces by "It's free! It's free!". Risk-Free 2 Month Trial of 3 Magazines! I figured why not, quite frankly because she made me feel a little guilty for not taking the club offer. Once again, I know I got this from my mother even though at this point in her life, she doesn't feel guilty about this kind of stuff at all! I chose my three, she took my address. I signed my *receipt(S)* and was on my way. I should have known better, and I actually did know better than to sign without reading my second copy, but I went ahead and did it anyway because, guess what? I feel guilty if I ever hold up a line. I know, I know. Get over it! So, as soon as I walked through the door I checked the receipt. Low and behold, I have just authorized them to give my card info to the company providing the subscriptions and automatically renew at the end of the free trial! My subscriptions would come to a total over $100 should I neglect to call and cancel.

Cheats! It's absolutely ridiculous! I know I should have read it, but if you're told it's free, why would you have reason to believe they're automatically going to charge you down the road? I'm not one to do this, but I will not be returning to Books-A-Million and I will be calling tomorrow to cancel my "subscription". Come to think of it, I'll be going elsewhere, too, to find the book they didn't carry.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cleaning out my closet.

I was completely productive today for the first time in a long time. Laundry, cleaning out and reassembling of closet and dresser, going through all the crap my parents cleaned out of their attic that "belongs" to me and the remaining shopping for our catering job on Thursday. Yikes. But it was all good.

I know I don't have a before picture, but trust me, it was bad. I couldn't even put away clean laundry - nowhere to put it! And now look!!!

Obviously only the right half is mine. Oh, and all the stuff on the shelf up top is my husband's, too. Yes, notice the pile of his shoes thrown in there on his side. Honestly, mine looked much the same before. I even brought myself to part with a few pair of shoes! Now I'm down to 35 pairs. I think I'm good. And I won't even show you my entire closet dedicated only to my purses. It's quite frankly embarrassing.

The next part of my day was spent taking a walk down memory lane. My parents recently cleaned out an attic space that was right outside my bedroom growing up. They decided to give all of my junk back to me. Needless to say it's been sitting in our spare bedroom in the basement for about 2 months now. I'm glad I dedicated a whole day to it because it took forever and was highly hilarious. I'm only giving a preview tonight, but be on the lookout for a very lengthy, very hysterical post soon, showcasing all my many masterpieces as a child. I wrote a lot of books as a child and reading through them, you'd swear I had ADD. But I didn't. Random, random, random. They're pretty awesome though. Also in the many, many boxes of stuff were pretty much every single one of my report cards, year-end reports, etc. from elementary school. Yeah, I spent a lot of time on those. I had to read what my teachers had to say about me. Most of it was good and the "critical" things they had to say just made me laugh today because I know exactly what they were talking about. I took pictures of some things that I ended up throwing away and I still have some things to sort through but it's coming. It's going to take a while though! But for now, enjoy some of these gems I found.

Giant heads, tiny little bodies

Yes, you can make out my name in the blue up top. And yes, that's my whole work of art.
Yes, my artistic ability is astounding. I found old photos (every school photo, sports photo, etc. ever taken) that were pretty awesome. I feel it's a valuable lesson to learn for when I have children. I'll order the bare minimum, considering that all of my photos, in all their different sizes, were still in their envelopes - only one cut out. Also, parents? I feel it's acceptable to discourage your daughters from parting their hair down the middle. It will save them a lot of discomfort when looking at old photos later in life.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Be careful what you wish for

So, I'm just beginning to understand the quote "Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it". And now, of course, it's crystal clear. We want a "food business" more than anything in the world - have for a long time. Now things could potentially be taking off and I'm slightly petrified! It's completely exciting, absolutely. But we  may very soon find ourselves at the crossroads of jumping off the ledge or planting both feet firmly on solid ground. Jumping off the ledge could potentially involve my husband quitting his current job and doing catering full time. Honestly, the money's better and he would just continue to have scheduling conflicts were he to continue working and catering at the same time. But if he quits his current job, there goes the stability. If we begin to depend on catering for the other half of our income, we're dependent upon people calling us and requesting it. That's what scares me.

No decisions have been made, not even close. But I'm just seeing where things seem to be going and it looks good. Yeah, good and scary! It's a leap of faith. I've been there before but those seem to get scarier with age, no? What do you think?

Courtesy of

Friday, April 8, 2011

Radical Religion

Arthur was hysterical. Highly recommend it. I like it because it keeps things light and doesn't waste too much time on developing the stuff you're not really interested in anyway! This obviously leaves more time for the more important stuff - hilarity.

I am currently, willfully yanking myself out of my laughing high by watching 20/20. They are profiling the Independent Fundamental Baptists (IFB). I think I may vomit. Promoting spanking of two week old babies for crying too much? Condemning women for "letting themselves go" after they catch a man? And they claim to be using the Bible to justify all of this?! Unbelievable. I know that I am not as up on my Scripture  as I should be; however, I can say with 100% certainty that those teachings are not from the Bible and the God that I know. Oh, let's not forget, they molest their children, rape underage girls and generally have their way with girls however they like. Nothing of that nature should ever have the name of God put on it. It makes me so ashamed and outraged - people who use the name of God to justify their crazy, just wrong, antics. Want to be a man? Step up and out from behind what you believe to be your "shield" of religion and be your true self - a pervert, sex offender, rapist, etc. The list could go on and on. However you slice it, it's sick, wrong, immoral and maddening. My only comfort is that these people will one day have to answer to someone infinitely higher than me and ultimate judgement will be passed. The same goes for those who abuse animals and people, just in case you were wondering where I stood on those, too.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

So Fresh and So Clean Clean

Well, I hope you all are enjoying the new look of The Un-fabulous Life. I had a lot of fun playing around with it. It's Thursday evening. So close to Friday and the weekend. And yes, I so so so excited. I'm also contemplating using the remainder of my work bonus on some sprucing up of myself. I need me some new clothes. Destination? Forever 21. It will be my first experience in our newly opened local store. I'm looking forward to it.

Speaking of fresh and clean. I'm currently watching an old episode of Dr. Phil. It's titled "Hobo Dad". I saw that title on the menu and it immediately drew me in. I don't typically mind Dr. Phil. The guy's pretty smart and I like him. Have you ever noticed how all the people are made up nicely and dressed well? That's all due to their staff and it's nice to do that for regular people like you and me who then have to be seen on TV. But on this particular episode, they have caught up with a "runaway" dad who hasn't seen his daughter in 17 years. He ran to avoid paying child support and apparently lives in a raft and goes up and down the Mississippi. A regular Huck Finn. Now while the ex and the daughter and everyone else on the show look beyond presentable, they have left Mr. Hobo in his overalls (with only one shoulder done). Really, guys? Let's be real. I'm sure you did that for effect, but it just looks weird and wrong. Give the guy a fighting chance at least!

Well, I promised I'd show you where our home purchases ended up, so here they are! Some of them are hard to get perspective on and I've also come to grips with the fact that I just can't take pictures. But enjoy.

See our "Trattoria" art in the basement
Salt & Pepper in the dining room

Fork & Spoon in the dining room

Pepper detail in the dining room

One side of back deck with lantern

Lantern on the other side

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Property Virgins

As much as I hate to admit it, I love me some HGTV. I get on little kicks where I watch it all the time, then I'll go weeks without watching at all. Where I'm going with this requires a bit of a disclaimer: I am not a parent. I have made that clear. However, I am a homeowner who one day would like to have children. These people kill me on some of these shows. House Hunters. There's a couple with a young child (less than two). They don't want any stairs because of safety for their baby daughter. They actually walked away from a house they loved because it had some stairs. News flash, people.  Your daughter will one day (very soon, actually) be bigger and have better coordination and it will no longer be any more dangerous to go up and down stairs than it is for you and me. I also witnessed a show that followed a very picky first-time home buyer. She countered and countered back and forth with the owner over their refrigerator. Yes, the refrigerator. Was it super special or industrial grade? Not even close. Just a regular side-by-side stainless steel. She quibbled over approximately $1000 and lost the house. What a waste. I also can't fathom all the people who harp on existing paint colors in the house. Paint is the cheapest and easiest thing to fix in a house! It is the last thing to allow to be a deal breaker! It is true that your home is probably the biggest and most important investment you will make in your lifetime. It should be a place that you love, but let's be real. Most of us will never be able to build our dream house, so compromises must be made. You have to look past some of the things you may not like and look at the potential that exists.

Polka dot house

Luckily, I'm pretty good at seeing past ugly carpet and ugly paint. Actually, it's one of my favorite things to do. I am a before/after junkie - for just about anything. I love watching The Princess Diaries, not because the acting is that spectacular or the storyline so great, but I can't resist the part where Anne Hathaway gets made over from a Sesame Street wooly monster into a chic, sleek young lady. I love What Not to Wear, I love Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I love seeing the possibilities in things and people. Not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Rather than focusing on my outer potential, I think I'd be best served working on my inside possibilities for the time being. I think I may need some work.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Violent Torpedo of Truth

Our biggest catering job yet went off without a hitch today! Considering that we've never cooked for 80 people before and this one seemed easier, I'd say that have learned from our past mistakes. I love realizing that I've witnessed growth. It's good for the soul.

I, personally, am sick of hearing about Charlie Sheen, but why not? I'm going to talk about him now too. First, why on earth does he get to go on "tour"? To do what? Spout off craziness like it's going out of style? Apparently, the answer is yes. King of the warlocks, tiger blood? WINNING! Or losing. The thing that really kills me though is that people actually bought tickets and thought it would be entertaining. And I find it hysterical now that people walked out and were whining about how terrible it was. Really? You're surprised that it sucked. Not too bright are you? I mean, come on! It's called Violent Torpedo of Truth Defeat is not an Option
I really find it sad that our culture is such that people with addiction gain notoriety because of their senseless ramblings. And it's a shame that his show got cancelled. Two and a Half Men was funny! I guess the pressures of being famous push people who have the world on a silver platter to act stupidly and ruin the good things they have going for them.

Have you seen the story about a pig's foot being sent to Representative Peter King in Washington? Who does that?! People are just crazy. The accompanying note was laid with anti-Semitic phrases. King is chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and has recently been involved in hearings regarding Muslim radicalization in America. You know what I say? Can we please just leave the religion out of it? It's not a good idea for anyone and it makes us all seem like and turn into a bunch of lunatics. If you don't like a country, then don't like the country. If you don't like a group of people, then don't like a group of people. Don't use God to justify your craziness. And please don't misunderstand. I am not talking about Muslims. I am not talking about Jews, Christians or otherwise. And I'm not talking about any particular nationality, either. I'm talking about all of us. Every religion has a violent act, whether throughout history or recently, attached to its name. If you want to be a crazy, do it on your own account, but don't muddy a religion's name to make yourself feel better about it.