It's raining today and thank God! It has been so dry here that the last time hubs mowed the lawn out back it looked like a freaking dust storm. He was covered in dirt when he came in! There are a couple of draw backs to this rain today, though. 1. It's Labor Day - a day of cookouts and being outdoors. It ain't happening. 2. It's rained 5 inches just this morning and after about a two month drought, it's causing some problems. Roads are flooded and so are cars. Word to the wise, actually pay attention and follow through with the advice they always give to not drive through standing water. Your car will flood, possibly be swept away and almost certainly be totaled.
So, since our cooking out plans were foiled, we've decided to go see Bridesmaids (again!) with my brother and sister-in-law (who is about to pop and looks so precious!) who have not seen the movie, at the cheap movie theater. I'm pumped. I want to see a good comedy and laugh a lot today. I'm one of those losers who likes to see movies I've already seen. When I find a movie I like, I will watch it a billion and a half times until I have picked up on every single nuance possible. I'll always ask someone if they've seen a particular movie and if they remember this part or that part and they look at me like I'm crazy because they haven't seen it hundreds of time like myself. To let you know how fabulous my taste in movies is (and how random), I'll share with you a few of such movies:
1. Sex and the City: The Movie
2. Bridget Jones's Diary
3. Bridget Jones's Diary: The Edge of Reason
4. Love Actually
5. Shawshank Redemption
6. Legally Blonde
7. Miss Congeniality
8. (although not a movie) Sex and the City (the entire series. I know, it's sad and pathetic but hubs got me the entire set for Valentine's day year before last and I've watched it through in its entirety four times, not to mention all the random episodes I've also seen multiple times on TV)
Okay, so not so random, except for maybe the 'Redemption'. Most of these are completely mindless movies, but they make me happy, so whatever.
With this post, I have 98 blog posts and I am planning an exciting giveaway for my 100th post. Stay tuned for details and tell your friends!
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