I am a 23 year-old young woman who loves God. I am finding my way into the adult world. It definitely has its ups and its downs. Despite popular belief, becoming an adult does not happen overnight with some sort of rite of passage - going to college, graduating college, getting that first post-grad job. No. Becoming an adult is the act of taking responsibility for yourself, your actions and your circumstances. It's standing up and taking ownership of all that and rejecting the easy road of always finding an excuse or someone else to blame.
I have a job. One that allows me to jointly support our little family, pay the mortgage and the bills, and have a little fun along the way, too. For this I am grateful. And that is the best I can say about my job.
I have a wonderful husband. We celebrate our anniversary on June 21st. We will be married three years this year. We have a fairy tale story (or so I've been told). When studying my junior year of high school in Italy in 2003, I met him and we have been together ever since. Marrying after nearly 5 years of a long-distance relationship, we moved to Italy where he worked as a Carabiniere, a military police officer. I briefly worked in a shoe/leather store, but the quality of life always lacked something to be desired and in the fall of 2009, we made the move back to America. With us we brought our adopted dog, Lyla. Since then we have had the welcome addition of Scout (Get this image - he's half black lab and half basset hound. Yes, he's hysterical-looking and we love him!)
We are recent first-time homeowners and have been loving ever minute of it. The house was my great aunt's and through the miracle of facebook (and family) we worked with my cousin (her son) and are now the proud owners of the home. We have had a blast decorating, renovating, all that fun stuff and are so happy to have a place to call home. It should be ours free and clear in about 29 years, 1 month and 16 days.
We have big dreams and do hope one day to grow our family. For now we're happy with our little family, our little home and our little life.