Gray & Mustard

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Roller Coaster

Please don't hate me. It's been so long. I've missed you! I've really missed writing. OK, moving on.

So, this is my 94th post, which means I have a 100th post coming up very soon and I'm thinking giveaway - a great giveaway! What do you think? My last one, while I had one participation, was pretty small! Will you help me spread the word this time? I'll come up with something really great and let you know so you can get super excited!

This week has been a rough one at work. I know, I know... Again?!? But it's making me think twice about the why. Why do I always seem to be in a high-low pattern with my job? Why do certain people rattle me so? My natural reaction to these factors is, I need a new job. But after applying to countless places for countless different positions over the last year that I've held my current job (always as a knee-jerk reaction to a bad day/week), it's pretty clear that this whole economy thing is no joke. Of probably close to 100 applications, I've received ZERO response. Pretty discouraging, but it's also brought home the point that I DO have a job and I should be grateful for it. And I am. So, my next question is this - if I've learned that much, what else are my feelings about the whole work situation trying to teach me? My mother has told me many a time that a lot of things in life get to me so much because of my age and inexperience. I know this to be true but it doesn't change the fact that I still feel how I feel. I guess I have to just come to grips with the fact that I just have to chill out sometimes and not let things get to me like I do. Whatever. Easier said than done. I try and I'm going to keep trying. Trust me, the stress of it all is not good for my health. I've felt sick most of today and yesterday! So, I'm going to make a concerted effort to take a step back sometimes and just breathe. We'll see how it goes. And as always, I'll keep you posted!

Speaking of keeping you posted - I'm still going to be auditioning for The Voice three weeks from this Saturday. I'm getting really excited, too. I still need a hotel, but they haven't posted exactly where the auditions are going to be held! The line starts at 7:00 AM. Auditions are on a first come, first served basis and not everybody will get to audition. While I want to be able to audition, I am not the type to wait in long lines overnight. So I'd like to get a better picture of what part of Atlanta it's in so I can get a hotel close by! Problem solved. Oh well, maybe they'll post it soon. In the meantime, any ideas of songs to sing for the audition?


  1. Ahhh I did not know you were auditioning for the Voice. That is awesome and I know you will do well - you deserve to be on there! I also love what you said about work - your mom is right because I have had some recent work experiences that made me realize how truly young and inexperienced I still am with dealing with real world work issues. I hope everything else is going well - love you!

  2. Hey Sarah Cate -

    Hang in there with the job. As you said, the economy sucks, so you're kinda stuck. And anyway, the reality is, all jobs suck for one reason or another. The key is to work on yourself so that things roll off your shoulders a little easier.

    And as for The Voice - that's so exciting!! I would say do Adele, but everybody's singing her stuff right now. Maybe a torch song would be the way to go??

    Been following your blog off and on. It's nice keeping up with you. :)

