I'm contemplating the idea of going back to school this fall - just one class. I don't want to lose any of the credits I've already earned, but I also can't afford to take more classes. This would involve working a bit with my employer, which I'm not really that worried about. I need to look into it then work on a plan. I've got to make things happen.
Also, my husband confessed that he would feel guilty if I didn't finish school one day - like he made me quit school and get married! Ha! Poor thing. But I do want to finish and I will do it. It will take time - definitely a number of years, but It's definitely something I want to accomplish.
I'm also trying to re-school myself in the art of planning and organization. And yes, this does involve a lot of purchasing of pretty products. Mead makes an amazing line of products that help with this. My latest purchase is the meal planning calendar. As disappointing an answer as it is - my husband and I do not cook very much at home for each other. Well, we're trying to get better at that. I have planned out a menu for the entire week, created a shopping list and created a schedule. The beauty of it is that I only have to cook three times a week. Most recipes are calculated for a minimum of 4 portions, so we keep the leftover and repeat a few days later. Last night I made beef and mushroom sloppy joes and the hubs loved them! They were pretty darn good! Tomorrow is fish tacos!
Tonight we didn't cook at home, but we did cook at Mia Cucina. Check out The Saucy Italian to follow our experience and check out some pictures from tonight's class!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Swamp People.
Well, we spent our weekend down in Louisiana for a true Louisiana-style wedding, complete with a crawfish boil. It was awesome! I also think that this is quite possibly the best mother-son dance EVER.
(BOO, video upload isn't working right now. Working hard to fix this!)
While we were waiting for the lovely outdoor ceremony to start, we overheard some of the guests discussing a program called Swamp People. Seeing as how we were in swamp country, the next day when flipping through channels in the hotel, we came across an episode. Wow. The man actually said that his favorite foods were squirrel, frogs, alligator - I'm not picky about food, I guess. Hysterical, very entertaining. I highly recommend it.
So, it's back to work tomorrow after a long weekend. I think I'd rather eat some squirrel or frog than go. So thankful to have a job, just wish I enjoyed it a little more.
While we were waiting for the lovely outdoor ceremony to start, we overheard some of the guests discussing a program called Swamp People. Seeing as how we were in swamp country, the next day when flipping through channels in the hotel, we came across an episode. Wow. The man actually said that his favorite foods were squirrel, frogs, alligator - I'm not picky about food, I guess. Hysterical, very entertaining. I highly recommend it.
So, it's back to work tomorrow after a long weekend. I think I'd rather eat some squirrel or frog than go. So thankful to have a job, just wish I enjoyed it a little more.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Walk a Mile in These Shoes.
So, this one day... I was searching for some shoes. I did a search for "Dress" and "Black". These are two of the options that popped up. My eyes have been officially offended and assaulted. Last I checked in the zebras' natural habitat, there was no hot pink or lime green paint to be accidentally splattered on their black and white stripes. Plus, zebras have too much natural style to ever attempt that color combination.
On the other hand, had I wanted to wear a f.m. pump (something that I never desire to wear, thank you), I would not also want to be reminiscent of a toddler in a pageant wearing full glitz with ruffled socks.
Have a fancy days, my lovies!
So, this one day... I was searching for some shoes. I did a search for "Dress" and "Black". These are two of the options that popped up. My eyes have been officially offended and assaulted. Last I checked in the zebras' natural habitat, there was no hot pink or lime green paint to be accidentally splattered on their black and white stripes. Plus, zebras have too much natural style to ever attempt that color combination.
On the other hand, had I wanted to wear a f.m. pump (something that I never desire to wear, thank you), I would not also want to be reminiscent of a toddler in a pageant wearing full glitz with ruffled socks.
Have a fancy days, my lovies!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
In the Office...
I have just finished creating the most amazing home office known to man. Okay, granted we have some finishing touches to add - an actual, real desk for example. But I can not even begin to stress how much better I feel. Take a look...
I know it doesn't look like much, but to me it is everything. I have a filing cabinet where all of our paper can go - amazing! Yes, there is a Christmas wreath in the corner (it is on its way up to the attic) and the carpet is still unbearable, but it's still beautiful. You see those circles on the wall? Those are the most amazing things I have ever found. Decals that you can write on. I know, simply brilliant, right? Not that I made them or anything. I totally bought them, but still I think they're completely genius!
Also, check my beautiful board with pretty colorful push pins on the cork board side and notice the tiny, magnetic, hanging dry erase markers on the white board side. "Where it all begins..." Yes, that will one day be the truth. We can look back and reminisce that this was where it all began. I'm feeling more productive and motivated already. In the top corner of the white board is a very old fortune from a fortune cookie. It says, "Focus on your long term goals. Success will soon be yours." I'm going to will it to be true. At least that's what I keep telling myself. We'll see how that goes.
Most importantly, I got to do one of my greatest joys in life - buy stationery/office supplies. Designer highlighters and last but not least, that is in fact a rhinestone-covered stapler. Leopard print. It is okay to be jealous. It was a complete impulse buy, but I couldn't let it get away. I was afraid I would never see anything like it again and it would be gone forever. But now it is mine. By the way, TJMaxx is THE place for stuff like this. Those highlighters are Cynthia Rowley, 50% off retail.
I did buy the desk piece before I had an actual desk, which is my bad. But once again, I had to have it. It has a built-in charging station, plus it's pretty. We do need a desk and one day we will buy one. But for now, the table will have to do.
On a completely unrelated note, I am so sick of those Charmin commercials with the cartoon bears. Really? Even if it's a cartoon, I do not want to see bits of toilet tissue stuck to someone's bum. Gross.
I know it doesn't look like much, but to me it is everything. I have a filing cabinet where all of our paper can go - amazing! Yes, there is a Christmas wreath in the corner (it is on its way up to the attic) and the carpet is still unbearable, but it's still beautiful. You see those circles on the wall? Those are the most amazing things I have ever found. Decals that you can write on. I know, simply brilliant, right? Not that I made them or anything. I totally bought them, but still I think they're completely genius!
Also, check my beautiful board with pretty colorful push pins on the cork board side and notice the tiny, magnetic, hanging dry erase markers on the white board side. "Where it all begins..." Yes, that will one day be the truth. We can look back and reminisce that this was where it all began. I'm feeling more productive and motivated already. In the top corner of the white board is a very old fortune from a fortune cookie. It says, "Focus on your long term goals. Success will soon be yours." I'm going to will it to be true. At least that's what I keep telling myself. We'll see how that goes.
Most importantly, I got to do one of my greatest joys in life - buy stationery/office supplies. Designer highlighters and last but not least, that is in fact a rhinestone-covered stapler. Leopard print. It is okay to be jealous. It was a complete impulse buy, but I couldn't let it get away. I was afraid I would never see anything like it again and it would be gone forever. But now it is mine. By the way, TJMaxx is THE place for stuff like this. Those highlighters are Cynthia Rowley, 50% off retail.
I did buy the desk piece before I had an actual desk, which is my bad. But once again, I had to have it. It has a built-in charging station, plus it's pretty. We do need a desk and one day we will buy one. But for now, the table will have to do.
On a completely unrelated note, I am so sick of those Charmin commercials with the cartoon bears. Really? Even if it's a cartoon, I do not want to see bits of toilet tissue stuck to someone's bum. Gross.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Are You Deaf?
So I'm just now watching American Idol for the first time this season and I find myself wondering... are you deaf judges? I haven't watched or really followed any season since probably the first two or three. And quite frankly now that Simon is gone, so is all the really good feedback. Mean or not, he always made some valid points. If everyone is just so nice, then what's the point? Scotty, from what I've heard so far, in my opinion, sounds pretty horrible. I'm not a country fan, but putting that aside, I still don't think he sounds great! Lauren is from my town. I guess I might be a tad bit biased. It would be pretty awesome for someone from Chattanooga to win. I think she sounds pretty good, but I don't really see any 'star quality'.
Well, the hubs and I have been asked back to teach six, count them, SIX classes at Mia Cucina in June. Check the schedule and sign up! You might even get to catch us sparring in Italian (all in love, of course). We had another catering job this past weekend that I think went well. But most importantly, it got us to our exciting, top secret idea for when we do open our restaurant. The most exciting part about this venture is that nobody else does it. It's got me so excited, I get chills every time I talk about it. We're trying to make big changes so we can save up the dollars, go get a loan and get this baby open! I. Am. So. Excited.
On another, much more exciting note, the season finale of Glee comes on right after American Idol. I cannot wait. And it's starting now - toodle-loo!!! Until next time... (which I'm hoping will be sooner than a week after this post)
Monday, May 16, 2011
Quality Time
Well, try as I might, every time I sit to think about writing a blog post, I got nothing. But I suppose something is better than nothing.
We have some exciting things coming our way (I think, anyway). Now I'm finding myself just wishing away the time. Too much thinking, not enough doing. Something there is also a little more of in our household is talking. I know, I know, we're only three years in - it's too soon to be able to say that you never talk. But it's true! With the excuse of "It's just the two of us!" we got a little too comfortable of parking in front of the TV to eat dinner. I know, I'm ashamed. Well, our new rule is only at the table. And by golly it works! We talk to each other. I grew up in a family where we always ate dinner together at the table. I truly know better. It got the best of us but now we're changing and really enjoying it. I really like my husband, too. He's nice to talk to!
So, I'm coming to the realization that I often don't take even just a smidgen of time to do something that is actually relaxing that I enjoy. I'm not talking lounging around the house, but using our outdoor fire pit when it's cool at night or fixing some hot tea. I had a little splurge a few weeks back and bought some new fancy tea from the new Teavana store in town. It's pretty much the most amazing stuff I've ever experienced. It's loose tea, so not only is it really pretty to look at, it's the best-tasting stuff ever! What I got is a blend of two different chai blends. I could just drink that stuff all day long, except that it is freaking expensive and I'd go broke. Luckily when I bought the stuff I was with my mom who was an expert. I was ready to get a pound before I even knew how much it cost. Over $60! Quarter of a pound here I come! No matter how long it lasts me, I will be returning for more and to try different blends. Check out their online store!
We have some exciting things coming our way (I think, anyway). Now I'm finding myself just wishing away the time. Too much thinking, not enough doing. Something there is also a little more of in our household is talking. I know, I know, we're only three years in - it's too soon to be able to say that you never talk. But it's true! With the excuse of "It's just the two of us!" we got a little too comfortable of parking in front of the TV to eat dinner. I know, I'm ashamed. Well, our new rule is only at the table. And by golly it works! We talk to each other. I grew up in a family where we always ate dinner together at the table. I truly know better. It got the best of us but now we're changing and really enjoying it. I really like my husband, too. He's nice to talk to!
So, I'm coming to the realization that I often don't take even just a smidgen of time to do something that is actually relaxing that I enjoy. I'm not talking lounging around the house, but using our outdoor fire pit when it's cool at night or fixing some hot tea. I had a little splurge a few weeks back and bought some new fancy tea from the new Teavana store in town. It's pretty much the most amazing stuff I've ever experienced. It's loose tea, so not only is it really pretty to look at, it's the best-tasting stuff ever! What I got is a blend of two different chai blends. I could just drink that stuff all day long, except that it is freaking expensive and I'd go broke. Luckily when I bought the stuff I was with my mom who was an expert. I was ready to get a pound before I even knew how much it cost. Over $60! Quarter of a pound here I come! No matter how long it lasts me, I will be returning for more and to try different blends. Check out their online store!
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Finer Things in Life
I've just introduced my very Italian husband to the wonder that is a port wine cheese ball covered in almonds. He loved it of course. How could he not? He's still really skeptical about American cheeses as, well, he should be. What they know of American cheeses in Italy is Kraft Singles - not exactly the best impression. But what he didn't know is that there are plenty of other really good real American cheeses. Real cheddar is great, although he still for the life of him, can't understand how it gets its color...
I think I've finally arrived at the point of giving up mass quantities of junk for smaller portions of treasures. Wow, that was poetic, but true! My husband and I have discovered a variety of Triscuit that is mind-blowingly good - Cracked Pepper and Olive Oil. So delicious.
Picture this, though. Even more delicious to add to them is a bit of brie (which incidentally, according to my facebook poll, is delicious and well-liked and does not smell like poot. To the guilty parties who provoked this entire debate, you know who you are.) and a marinated kalamata olive. I'll go out on a limb and say that it is quite possibly one of the best flavor combinations in the whole snacking world. We allow ourselves six triscuits, 4 olives and single wedge of 'wee brie'. Not enough, one might say. I beg to differ. I'm finding that even the smallest quantities of the finer things in life are so much better than ridiculous super-sized helpings of crap. I mean clearly I've always know this, but I'm actually starting to put into practice.
I think I've finally arrived at the point of giving up mass quantities of junk for smaller portions of treasures. Wow, that was poetic, but true! My husband and I have discovered a variety of Triscuit that is mind-blowingly good - Cracked Pepper and Olive Oil. So delicious.
![]() |
Triscuits! |
Are there days when I really just want a burger and a lot of french fries for lunch? Heck yes. But I know I always feel better (on several fronts - physically, financially) if I stick with my spinach salad with cherry tomatoes. It's delicious and I top it with some awesome olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Nothing better. I'm finding the same is true with how I spend my time. In our household, we've decided, no TV after work. We eat at the dinner table and watch TV only after dinner is over. We don't have kids and just cook for the two of us. The temptation of eating in front of the TV on the couch has won us over. But a little discipline has gone a long way and we are really enjoying it.
One thing I am not enjoying right now is this pollen. My nose is killing me and now I've got one of those annoying little dry spots that keeps coming up in the back of your throat that produces one of those uncontrollable coughs that even water doesn't seem to help. Oh well. I can't complain too much. The weather has been gorgeous. Let's hope it stays this way.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Heartbreak Warfare
I haven't been writing this week because I have literally been too caught up in my thoughts to do so. I can't stop thinking. Thinking about friends, thinking about my life, thinking about the future, thinking about the present. You name it, I thought about it.
Most importantly my heart is breaking tonight for so many friends. It seems that all around me this week, dear friends (old and new) are dealing with some really serious shit. I usually try to keep it clean, so pardon my language, but sometimes that's just what it is. One is bad, two is tough, but three - well that just pushes one to the edge, does it not? It has been a long time since I've felt sadness, true sadness for a friend (or better to say for anyone other than myself or for my circumstances). I know that sounds lame, but it's the truth. I feel like I'm a pretty empathetic person. I understand how things can be upsetting to friends and I'm not laughing in their face or anything, but I usually go on about my business, just keeping it in the back of my mind somewhere. But this stuff has been at the forefront of my mind non-stop. Things always happen in threes, isn't that what they say? Another thing to add to my three is of course the storm damage that I drive through every day, several times. Things are getting better and my area was not by far the worst hit, but I feel the weight of it every time I drive down the road and see the huge uprooted trees on both sides of the road, mangled power lines still blocking driveways and tree removal crews and people from the power company working around the clock. It's a lot to take in. And yes, despite the fact that it's been a week now, I still nearly run off the road every time I leave my house. I need to focus on the road. It could be a problem.
Not trying to throw a pity party. Really, that's not what this is all about. Mostly, I just really felt the need to write tonight for the first time all week. I tried the night before last. I wrote three lines and then I just couldn't do it. I could not subject my lovely readers to such rubbish. But I do thank you for allowing me share my thoughts on these vague but trying matters. Don't laugh or judge for what I'm about to try to express, but... I'm in the state of mind where I'm so sad for everyone and everything that all I imagine myself wanting to do is just hug the whole world and try to make it better. I know that all I can do is pray. Quite frankly, I've been finding even that difficult to do when I can't stop thinking. (PS - you have no idea how long it's taking me to write this.)
To sum up: A few things I've learned this week.
1. Never ignore a friend who is hurting, no matter how bad or not bad you think it is. We could all use a little more love and compassion in our lives.
2. Cheating is bad - don't do it.
3. Mother Nature is completely amazing and terrifying all at once. When she's good to us, she's very good. But when she's bad, well, take cover.
4. We could all stand to be a little bit nicer to each other. We all deal with so many emotions, bad and good, everyday. Your friendly smile or kind words could be just what someone needs to turn their day around.
The End
Most importantly my heart is breaking tonight for so many friends. It seems that all around me this week, dear friends (old and new) are dealing with some really serious shit. I usually try to keep it clean, so pardon my language, but sometimes that's just what it is. One is bad, two is tough, but three - well that just pushes one to the edge, does it not? It has been a long time since I've felt sadness, true sadness for a friend (or better to say for anyone other than myself or for my circumstances). I know that sounds lame, but it's the truth. I feel like I'm a pretty empathetic person. I understand how things can be upsetting to friends and I'm not laughing in their face or anything, but I usually go on about my business, just keeping it in the back of my mind somewhere. But this stuff has been at the forefront of my mind non-stop. Things always happen in threes, isn't that what they say? Another thing to add to my three is of course the storm damage that I drive through every day, several times. Things are getting better and my area was not by far the worst hit, but I feel the weight of it every time I drive down the road and see the huge uprooted trees on both sides of the road, mangled power lines still blocking driveways and tree removal crews and people from the power company working around the clock. It's a lot to take in. And yes, despite the fact that it's been a week now, I still nearly run off the road every time I leave my house. I need to focus on the road. It could be a problem.
Not trying to throw a pity party. Really, that's not what this is all about. Mostly, I just really felt the need to write tonight for the first time all week. I tried the night before last. I wrote three lines and then I just couldn't do it. I could not subject my lovely readers to such rubbish. But I do thank you for allowing me share my thoughts on these vague but trying matters. Don't laugh or judge for what I'm about to try to express, but... I'm in the state of mind where I'm so sad for everyone and everything that all I imagine myself wanting to do is just hug the whole world and try to make it better. I know that all I can do is pray. Quite frankly, I've been finding even that difficult to do when I can't stop thinking. (PS - you have no idea how long it's taking me to write this.)
To sum up: A few things I've learned this week.
1. Never ignore a friend who is hurting, no matter how bad or not bad you think it is. We could all use a little more love and compassion in our lives.
2. Cheating is bad - don't do it.
3. Mother Nature is completely amazing and terrifying all at once. When she's good to us, she's very good. But when she's bad, well, take cover.
4. We could all stand to be a little bit nicer to each other. We all deal with so many emotions, bad and good, everyday. Your friendly smile or kind words could be just what someone needs to turn their day around.
The End
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