Gray & Mustard

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I don't know about you, but I'm ready for some real spring weather. None of this teaser crap where it's stunningly gorgeous for a couple of days and now it's gray and rainy for a week. Boo!

Well, get excited because I can feel a revival coming. A revival of my desire to cook. Not tonight of course, I've popped a frozen pizza in the oven, but soon. I got a taste of it again when cooking for awesome friends last weekend. It is a bit of a cycle though. I come home tired and the last thing I want to do is cook, but when I do cook, it really relaxes me and relieves some stress. I'll have to remember that and work through the fatigue and the desire to be lazy, and force myself to cook. I know it will do me good! And, don't worry, I will be sure to share my endeavors, either here or on The Saucy Italian.

Speaking of food, in celebration of meeting our big deadline (a day ahead of time, ahem) our wonderful project manager wanted to treat us to lunch. So, we went to the bitching burger joint across the parking lot that I've written about before. Before we went, we noticed there were some fire trucks outside, but by the time we were headed over, they were gone. After we had been seated, been given our drinks and had our orders taken, the fire trucks came back. We noticed it was a little smokey, but no one was panicked, even the firefighters casually strolled in. But then they kept walking around, and came back in with more equipment, then carried a ladder into the kitchen. So, they evacuated the restaurant and, after a few minutes of waiting around, announced that they would not be able to open back up for lunch and gave us a voucher for a FREE hamburger! Score! Needless to say, I will be returning tomorrow to cash in on that. Also our boss is treating us there for a little celebration party tomorrow afternoon, so the timing is perfect.

It's nice to get to the other side of a difficult struggle. There is such a sense of relief. I know we all felt like it was the last day of school before summer break today. We've met all of our deadlines before, but this one is different. We have half the staff and have had to deal with countless cleanups of other's mistakes and messes. Yes, I can safely say that (no matter what anyone else says or thinks) this was an incredible accomplishment and I am happy to have had the learning experience with some of my best friends.

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