For some reason, I looked up my old blog today and you know what I thought as I was reading through some of the old posts?... "This stuff is pretty funny... or at least entertaining!"
So here I am again. Just for me... because I like to write. And sometimes I have things to say that are better put in writing.
A lot has happened since about... what? Two years ago? I'll slowly get you up to speed on that. We've got plenty of time. But I will tell you that I am writing to you from our new digs... a spare bedroom in my parents' basement. That's right. Me, the hubs, Princess Lyla and Big Boy Scout in one cozy room. I can also tell you that all is well. We didn't lose our house or something tragic like that. We sold it. Again, long story. More to come.
Good to be here.
Becoming a real grown-up despite my best efforts.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Monday, November 14, 2011
Well, we're here... the end. I've decided to close up shop -- but let me tell you why.
Somewhere over the course of the past few years I've lost who I once was (corny and dumb, I know, but hear me out). When I left the United States in August of 2003 (EIGHT YEARS AGO.... I can't believe it's been that long), I had no idea what I was going to do in Italy for an entire school year. Well, it turns out that I was able to live out an entire nine months of my life being completely me. I fell in love, I grew up. I found what I feel to be the most real Sarah Cate I've ever known. Then something happened... I had to go back home.
Now, no disrespect to my home because I adore it... I wouldn't be living here now if I didn't. But then things started to get serious, as things tend to do. I was faced with some really difficult decisions (that I completely imposed upon myself, of course). Being crazy, desperate in love with someone halfway around the world will make a person get serious really fast. I had to be with him, no matter what. I still feel that way. But because of being so completely headstrong, I did anything (and I do mean anything) to be where I wanted and when. I worked, really hard. I studied. I filled out paperwork. I called consulates. Made ridiculous road trips to Detroit that I found out were then unnecessary -- all to marry the love of my life, which I do not regret for one moment. But somewhere in that whole process, I grew up too much. I got to be too serious. Most importantly, I began to take myself too seriously. And for those of you who have known me for quite some time, you know that that just isn't me. Have I still acted crazy and dumb like my former hyperactive self at times? Sure. But any of that was always overshadowed about the more serious and grown-up things I had running through the back of my mind.
I am happy with my life right now. I am beyond grateful for my new job which I adore. I still love my husband just as much as I did that year in Italy and in all the subsequent years, too. I am ecstatic that my husband and I have a home to call our very own and two dogs (and two parents, their dog and cat for the moment, too) to share it with. But like I said, I've still lost my most authentic self somewhere along the way.
And I'm on a mission to get her back.
The old me would never have entitled her blog 'The UNfabulous Life'. NEVER. She knew how fabulous her life was and wanted to share its fabulousness with everyone -- even if she was obnoxious. I know you all have known that I haven't hardly written at all in months. Well, let's suffice it to say that a stick has been thrown in my spokes and although it's been taking me down in slow motion, it has taken me down. But in the process, it's held a mirror back to my face and shown me what I've shared with you here.
I have loved writing this blog, but it became a huge weight. What will I write? Will anyone even care? But most importantly it was the fact that I didn't care. I've been more concerned with people seeing me as someone who has it all together instead of just being myself. God, I could just hurt myself for writing that now. That is not me. So, this is the last post of The Unfabulous Life because in my opinion, if I'm not ready to tell people how truly fabulous my life really is, then I don't need to be writing for a blog named The Unfabulous Life.
I will be blogging again, somewhere else. I haven't decided where. I haven't decided when. It might be months from now, it might be tomorrow. Who knows? But you can bet your bottom dollar that I will be telling readers then about how fabulous my life truly is.
The End
Somewhere over the course of the past few years I've lost who I once was (corny and dumb, I know, but hear me out). When I left the United States in August of 2003 (EIGHT YEARS AGO.... I can't believe it's been that long), I had no idea what I was going to do in Italy for an entire school year. Well, it turns out that I was able to live out an entire nine months of my life being completely me. I fell in love, I grew up. I found what I feel to be the most real Sarah Cate I've ever known. Then something happened... I had to go back home.
Now, no disrespect to my home because I adore it... I wouldn't be living here now if I didn't. But then things started to get serious, as things tend to do. I was faced with some really difficult decisions (that I completely imposed upon myself, of course). Being crazy, desperate in love with someone halfway around the world will make a person get serious really fast. I had to be with him, no matter what. I still feel that way. But because of being so completely headstrong, I did anything (and I do mean anything) to be where I wanted and when. I worked, really hard. I studied. I filled out paperwork. I called consulates. Made ridiculous road trips to Detroit that I found out were then unnecessary -- all to marry the love of my life, which I do not regret for one moment. But somewhere in that whole process, I grew up too much. I got to be too serious. Most importantly, I began to take myself too seriously. And for those of you who have known me for quite some time, you know that that just isn't me. Have I still acted crazy and dumb like my former hyperactive self at times? Sure. But any of that was always overshadowed about the more serious and grown-up things I had running through the back of my mind.
I am happy with my life right now. I am beyond grateful for my new job which I adore. I still love my husband just as much as I did that year in Italy and in all the subsequent years, too. I am ecstatic that my husband and I have a home to call our very own and two dogs (and two parents, their dog and cat for the moment, too) to share it with. But like I said, I've still lost my most authentic self somewhere along the way.
And I'm on a mission to get her back.
The old me would never have entitled her blog 'The UNfabulous Life'. NEVER. She knew how fabulous her life was and wanted to share its fabulousness with everyone -- even if she was obnoxious. I know you all have known that I haven't hardly written at all in months. Well, let's suffice it to say that a stick has been thrown in my spokes and although it's been taking me down in slow motion, it has taken me down. But in the process, it's held a mirror back to my face and shown me what I've shared with you here.
I have loved writing this blog, but it became a huge weight. What will I write? Will anyone even care? But most importantly it was the fact that I didn't care. I've been more concerned with people seeing me as someone who has it all together instead of just being myself. God, I could just hurt myself for writing that now. That is not me. So, this is the last post of The Unfabulous Life because in my opinion, if I'm not ready to tell people how truly fabulous my life really is, then I don't need to be writing for a blog named The Unfabulous Life.
I will be blogging again, somewhere else. I haven't decided where. I haven't decided when. It might be months from now, it might be tomorrow. Who knows? But you can bet your bottom dollar that I will be telling readers then about how fabulous my life truly is.
The End
Friday, October 28, 2011
Today was a good day. All because I faced all things with an attitude of gratitude. And what a difference.
First of all, I (all of us, really) have so much to be grateful for it's not even funny. I even got the flutters in my chest walking out of Walgreen's today because the lady who told me she could check me out at the cosmetics counter so I wouldn't have to wait was so nice! Yes, the flutters in my chest is what I call them. No need to explain - you all know what I'm talking about. Don't lie. Of course this thought is easier to keep in the forefront as the Thanksgiving holiday is approaching, but it's beyond important to keep this in mind all the time. We all have so much to be grateful for. Take some time today to think about what you have to be grateful for.
First of all, I (all of us, really) have so much to be grateful for it's not even funny. I even got the flutters in my chest walking out of Walgreen's today because the lady who told me she could check me out at the cosmetics counter so I wouldn't have to wait was so nice! Yes, the flutters in my chest is what I call them. No need to explain - you all know what I'm talking about. Don't lie. Of course this thought is easier to keep in the forefront as the Thanksgiving holiday is approaching, but it's beyond important to keep this in mind all the time. We all have so much to be grateful for. Take some time today to think about what you have to be grateful for.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Well, I dare say it's beyond obvious that I've fallen off the wagon -- of blogging, that is -- and for that I apologize. But in all fairness I've started a new job, have a new nephew (I'm in loooooove!) and my parents live with us now (which I'm happy about (seriously!), if they even read this, which I doubt). Excuses? Probably, but whatever, cut me a break! Over my 'low point' of blogging (believe me, when I'm not blogging, it doesn't mean I'm not thinking about it. On the contrary, I think about it all the time) I seriously considered just shutting things down. But during the course of the wallowing in my blogosphere sorrows, I realized that I still want to do this. So that brings me here. Now onto an embarrassingly overdue housekeeping matter...
And the winner is..........drumroll................. Jordan E. Raley!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! Email me your address and your little packet of cooking joy will be on its way! Yay!
And the winner is..........drumroll................. Jordan E. Raley!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! Email me your address and your little packet of cooking joy will be on its way! Yay!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
100th Post Giveaway!!!
Presenting to you, as promised, a giveaway in celebration of my 100th blog post! I've posted sporadically over the past few months, but I have stuck with it and I'm still here! You, too, have stuck with me through it as well and that is what this is all about. To show you my appreciation for your continued readership, I am giving away the following:
1. A copy of John Mariani's book How Italian Food Conquered the World
2. A bundle of our favorite cooking gadgets: garlic peeler, garlic press, gnocchi board and more!
If you love Italian food, you will love Mariani's book. I couldn't put it down! It's amazing to see how things evolved from The Old Country to the New World. Not to mention all the exciting, yummy dishes you can make with our goodies. See the rules of play below in order to participate.
Rules of Play
1. Become a follower of this blog and my solely food-dedicated blog The Saucy Italian.
2. Comment on this post and tell me what you'd like to see on my blog in the future (discussions, recipes, etc.)
3. That's it! Simple, right? The winner will be decided by a random number generator and announced on Saturday, September 24th. All entries must be made by midnight (EST) on Friday, September 23rd.
I am so excited about this giveaway. I hope you will be too!
1. A copy of John Mariani's book How Italian Food Conquered the World
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2. A bundle of our favorite cooking gadgets: garlic peeler, garlic press, gnocchi board and more!
If you love Italian food, you will love Mariani's book. I couldn't put it down! It's amazing to see how things evolved from The Old Country to the New World. Not to mention all the exciting, yummy dishes you can make with our goodies. See the rules of play below in order to participate.
Rules of Play
1. Become a follower of this blog and my solely food-dedicated blog The Saucy Italian.
2. Comment on this post and tell me what you'd like to see on my blog in the future (discussions, recipes, etc.)
3. That's it! Simple, right? The winner will be decided by a random number generator and announced on Saturday, September 24th. All entries must be made by midnight (EST) on Friday, September 23rd.
I am so excited about this giveaway. I hope you will be too!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
My 9/11 Story.
Today, as we all know, marks the 10th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack that I ever hope to witness during my lifetime. It's hard to believe that ten years have passed. It's sad to know that there is so much hatred in our world and worse, that people seem to be more and more willing to act upon that hatred.
But as we always hear around this anniversary, so many stories of the good that have come from this tragic event emerge. I like to think that how my husband and I met is also indirectly one of those stories.
As many of you know, I studied abroad during my junior year of high school (2003-2004), just two years after the September 11th attacks. The town where I attended an American school was very close to a large military base. The mayor of Viterbo offered some added measures of protection after the attacks in the form of posting some military personnel outside of the school 24/7 to check packages, comings and goings, etc. It was on an October day 8 years ago (I know, 8 years. It's mind-boggling), that I first laid eyes on my husband-to-be, keeping watch outside of the school as an Italian soldier. Of course I could go on to tell you that he wasn't even supposed to be stationed at the school, but closer to Rome and that he was about to be discharged as his one year mandatory service was coming to a close, but because of several people being sick, someone had to fill in, but the simple truth is this: Had September 11th never happened, I don't know with any certainty that I would have met Benny. Really, what are the odds that a girl, born and raised in a very small town in Tennessee would meet, fall in love and marry a man from Bagheria, Italy (be honest, have you ever heard of that Italian city?)? God uses very mysterious ways to bring people together.
But as we always hear around this anniversary, so many stories of the good that have come from this tragic event emerge. I like to think that how my husband and I met is also indirectly one of those stories.
As many of you know, I studied abroad during my junior year of high school (2003-2004), just two years after the September 11th attacks. The town where I attended an American school was very close to a large military base. The mayor of Viterbo offered some added measures of protection after the attacks in the form of posting some military personnel outside of the school 24/7 to check packages, comings and goings, etc. It was on an October day 8 years ago (I know, 8 years. It's mind-boggling), that I first laid eyes on my husband-to-be, keeping watch outside of the school as an Italian soldier. Of course I could go on to tell you that he wasn't even supposed to be stationed at the school, but closer to Rome and that he was about to be discharged as his one year mandatory service was coming to a close, but because of several people being sick, someone had to fill in, but the simple truth is this: Had September 11th never happened, I don't know with any certainty that I would have met Benny. Really, what are the odds that a girl, born and raised in a very small town in Tennessee would meet, fall in love and marry a man from Bagheria, Italy (be honest, have you ever heard of that Italian city?)? God uses very mysterious ways to bring people together.
Monday, September 5, 2011
It's raining.
It's raining today and thank God! It has been so dry here that the last time hubs mowed the lawn out back it looked like a freaking dust storm. He was covered in dirt when he came in! There are a couple of draw backs to this rain today, though. 1. It's Labor Day - a day of cookouts and being outdoors. It ain't happening. 2. It's rained 5 inches just this morning and after about a two month drought, it's causing some problems. Roads are flooded and so are cars. Word to the wise, actually pay attention and follow through with the advice they always give to not drive through standing water. Your car will flood, possibly be swept away and almost certainly be totaled.
So, since our cooking out plans were foiled, we've decided to go see Bridesmaids (again!) with my brother and sister-in-law (who is about to pop and looks so precious!) who have not seen the movie, at the cheap movie theater. I'm pumped. I want to see a good comedy and laugh a lot today. I'm one of those losers who likes to see movies I've already seen. When I find a movie I like, I will watch it a billion and a half times until I have picked up on every single nuance possible. I'll always ask someone if they've seen a particular movie and if they remember this part or that part and they look at me like I'm crazy because they haven't seen it hundreds of time like myself. To let you know how fabulous my taste in movies is (and how random), I'll share with you a few of such movies:
1. Sex and the City: The Movie
2. Bridget Jones's Diary
3. Bridget Jones's Diary: The Edge of Reason
4. Love Actually
5. Shawshank Redemption
6. Legally Blonde
7. Miss Congeniality
8. (although not a movie) Sex and the City (the entire series. I know, it's sad and pathetic but hubs got me the entire set for Valentine's day year before last and I've watched it through in its entirety four times, not to mention all the random episodes I've also seen multiple times on TV)
Okay, so not so random, except for maybe the 'Redemption'. Most of these are completely mindless movies, but they make me happy, so whatever.
With this post, I have 98 blog posts and I am planning an exciting giveaway for my 100th post. Stay tuned for details and tell your friends!
So, since our cooking out plans were foiled, we've decided to go see Bridesmaids (again!) with my brother and sister-in-law (who is about to pop and looks so precious!) who have not seen the movie, at the cheap movie theater. I'm pumped. I want to see a good comedy and laugh a lot today. I'm one of those losers who likes to see movies I've already seen. When I find a movie I like, I will watch it a billion and a half times until I have picked up on every single nuance possible. I'll always ask someone if they've seen a particular movie and if they remember this part or that part and they look at me like I'm crazy because they haven't seen it hundreds of time like myself. To let you know how fabulous my taste in movies is (and how random), I'll share with you a few of such movies:
1. Sex and the City: The Movie
2. Bridget Jones's Diary
3. Bridget Jones's Diary: The Edge of Reason
4. Love Actually
5. Shawshank Redemption
6. Legally Blonde
7. Miss Congeniality
8. (although not a movie) Sex and the City (the entire series. I know, it's sad and pathetic but hubs got me the entire set for Valentine's day year before last and I've watched it through in its entirety four times, not to mention all the random episodes I've also seen multiple times on TV)
Okay, so not so random, except for maybe the 'Redemption'. Most of these are completely mindless movies, but they make me happy, so whatever.
With this post, I have 98 blog posts and I am planning an exciting giveaway for my 100th post. Stay tuned for details and tell your friends!
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